Taletta of Circle Hill

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Photo of Taletta with Donnan, holding her youngest child (Photo By Beothuk of the Beothuks, taken at Montengarde Beltaine 2009)

Taletta resides in Montengarde and has been a participating member of the SCA since May 2009. She is the Lady of the Sionnach and her Lord is Donnan Sionnach.

There are three children in the House of Sionnach: Aiden, Rowan & Marissa.


Chronicler of Montengarde - AS XLVI (April 20, 2011 - Present)

Awards & Recognition

Golden Link - Montengarde Twelfth Night - AS XLV (January 15, 2011): bestowed by Baron Beothuk of the Beothuks and Baroness Wilma the Still of Montengarde

Taletta's Link

Award of Arms - Montengarde Twelfth Night - AS XLV (January 15, 2011): bestowed by Prince Kirk Einarsson and Princess Bryjna Lovisdottir of Axewater of Avacal

Order of the Rose Petal - Montengarde Twelfth Night - AS XLVI (January 14, 2012): bestowed by Baron Beothuk of the Beothuks and Baroness Wilma the Still of Montengarde

Khan's Favour (Avacal) - Quad War - AS XLVII (August 4, 2012): bestowed by Ogedei Bahadur, Khan of Avacal