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Greetings, I'm Jon Morford. In this game we play in people know me as Hengist Helgason, or that big blonde viking over there. There is a reason I picked this name, although, at the time i didn't know why. It really was just the first name that came to mind. I was very new to the society, as we all are when we pick a name( usually ). I had read some about a great warrior and leader of the Germanic peoples who had conquered England with his brother Horsa. I didn't know a whole lot about them other than they what I have just written, I have since read more and feel comfortable with the name and I feel it fits. The last name was really just another name I pulled out of a hat. I had read about a Helgi from the Norse Sagas and liked it. The name Hengist means Stallion and Helgason is Son of Helgi, which means Holy. Being a former minister I thought that fitting. Persona Hengist lives in York and serves the King Eric Blood ax Haroldsson in 952 in any capacity he can, usually as a guard for his Queen. He is from the town of Hedeby . This is where he learned to be a Trader from his father. Before coming to live in York Hengist was a trader/raider, otherwise known as a Viking. He owned his own boat, the Hauser Steed, when he was younger and thought of himself as a mercenary leader calling his band the Hrosviking. His original sword was named Ulves Tang ( wolves tongue ) was stolen. He now proudly carries Gro Bein (the grey legs, a kenning for wolf ). Being a Dane he also carries a Danish great ax. At this time there was no codefied heraldry but Hengist uses a banner that would be described as Gules,3 horse heads in Annulo and a bordure Argent. Personally I enjoy doing leatherwork and metalwork. Growing up I went to a vocational school to learn how to be a machinist and a welder.I know that doesn't translate very well to blacksmithing but it is related.I enjoy making my kit as period looking as possible. We have 2 A frame tents, one for sleeping in and one for cooking in and storing gear.We have recently aquired an Osaberg style bed, are working on a fancy fire tripod, dish and chains. For many years i have tried to make my personal fighting kit as close to the viking look as possible, I'm working very hard on my fighting kit so i may be qualified for a Lions Torse. I am currently wearing a Valsagard 6 style helmet that i built and adorned myself. Because of a broken rib a few years ago i can no longer wear my chainmaile so i have changed over to brass scale. I also wear period shoes while fighting and all my clothing is linen and wool. I enjoy all aspects of fighting, from being a student to teaching,being a marshall when needed and to making my own weapons and armor and helping others do the same.I do as many demo's as possible. In fact, I have attended our household demo in Paulsbo WA. for their Viking Days for many years. In working harder to make our kit more period i have made friends with archieologists and other Viking age re-enactor groups. I always try to encourage discussions with people that have knowledge of the age so that we can, as iron sharpens iron, sharpen our knowledge of the past so that we can pass on what we know. In the Society I live in the Land of the Golden Blossom, Blatha an Oir [1] in the Kingdom of An Tir [2]. I am Squired to our current Baron, His Excellency, Sir Aleksii Konstantinovich Chernoi [3]. I have some awards that The Crown has bestowed upon me and some I have fought to earn.

Heavy Champion (Rath an Oir) Jul 4, 2000 (AS XXXV) Golden Blossom (Blatha An Oir) By: Yusuf Ja'bar al Timbuktuwwi el galot, Isabeau de Lis Noir Oct 21, 2000 (AS XXXV) Lord Defender (Blatha An Oir) By: Yusuf Ja'bar al Timbuktuwwi el galot, Isabeau de Lis Noir Jun 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI) through Jun 15, 2002 (AS XXXVII) Forget-me-not (An Tir) By: Elizabeth Yvonne Owles Jan 9, 2010 (AS XLIV) Award of Arms (An Tir) By: Owain ap Einar, Adwen Wrenn Jan 10, 2010 (AS XLIV) Lord Defender (Blatha An Oir) By: Aleksii Konstantinovich Chernoi, Elspeth Nic Grath Sep 18, 2010 (AS XLV) Forget-me-not (An Tir) By: Miranda Faoltiarna Jan 8, 2011 (AS XLV) Goutte de Sang (An Tir) By: Thorin Njalsson, Dagmaer in Hvassa Sep 4, 2011 (AS XLVI) Forget-me-not (An Tir) By: Dagmaer in Hvassa Dec 17, 2011 (AS XLVI) Lord Defender (Blatha An Oir) By: Aleksii Konstantinovich Chernoi, Elspeth Nic Grath Sep 22, 2012 (AS XLVII) Forget-me-not (An Tir) By: Astrid av det Fjord Landskap Oct 27, 2012 (AS XLVII)

In addition to this I won the Landed Champions tourney, July coronation,2011 when I was Baronial Lord Defender. I enjoy fighting and I am constantly seeking to better myself. As our Baronial Lord Defender I feel it is my duty to help teach and train new fighters. When the weather is good and the light lasts into the late hours I have training sessions at my home where I also help people build armor. I have recently set up a series of fighting classes to be held at our baronial fight practice. The teachers are all well known knights and teachers in our kingdom.

Thank you for reading, Jon(Hengist)Morford