Reme the Burgundian

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Resides: Borealis
Pronouns: Not specified
Date Started:
Awards: [No link added to Order of Precedence]
Prefered Title: Not specified

Per pale argent and gules, a fleur-de-lys counterchanged within a bordure sable semy-de-lys argent

Demographic Info:

Current Branch:
Borealis, Avacal

Kingdom Awards:

Award of Arms (An Tir) By: Vik and Inga - Jan 17, 2009 (AS XLIII)
Princess' Knott (Avacal) By: Bryjna Lovisdottir of Axewater - Feb 26, 2011 (AS XLV)
Baron of Borealis (An Tir) By: Skeggi II and Taisiia II - Jun 18, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Princess' Knott (Avacal) By: Evja Torynswife - Feb 25, 2012 (AS XLVI)
Order of the White Scarf By: Vik and Astrid - Nov 17, 2012 (AS XLVII)

Branch Awards:

Silverwolf (Borealis) By: Vik Vikingsson and Inga the Unfettered - Jun 20, 2009 (AS XLIV)



Formerly Cadet to Robert of Clan Gunn