Onora inghean Chormaic

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My name is Onóra inghean Chormaic and I am from the late 14th, early 15th century Ireland. I am currently working on developing my persona even further.

I began playing in June of 2007 in the Kingdom of Artemesia. I once resided in the Barony of Loch Salaan. There I held the office of Youth Minister for one year.

In 2010 I moved to the Kingdom of An Tir and I reside in the Shire of Tymberhavene. I currently hold the office of Webminister.

I received my Award of Arms on March 17, 2012. Other awards I have received are: A Silver Berberie, A Thrones Favor and A Gryphon's Paw

I was privileged to serve as a lady in waiting to Viscountess Aetta Surtr as she served as the princess of the Summits in 2012.

I belong to the household Hus Myrkr.

I have registered a personal device and it is blazoned: Argent, A Phoenix Purpure on a Chief Azure, 3 Lilies Or. I participate in thrown weapons and work to improve my skills.