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(including A.S. year in roman numerals) Sample: 7 Jan. XXXIX/2005
(SCA branch as a link followed by modern community and prov/state in brackets) Sample: Shittimwoode (Bellingham, WA)
(SCA name of autocrat. Link to People page if available) Sample: Floralyn MacBrian
(Modern name of site) Sample: Best Western Hotel, Bellingham WA
(briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
(highlights as mentioned in event copy)
Sample: Queen's Rapier Champion Tournament on Sunday
Sample: Costumer's Guild Contest: Full Court Garb

Event Highlights

Presented by Their Royal Majesties Thorin VII and Dagmaer II

Saturday, September 3, Evening Court

The Kingdom Seneschal read out changes to Kingdom Law

Prince Alden of Tir Righ paid the LTC tax to the Raven Travel Fund

David of Tirane was made a member of the Order of the Grey Goose Shaft

Valkyrie Vardisdottir received an Award of Arms

Baron Michael of Terra Pomaria was awarded a Goutte de Sang to much acclaim

Callen Drakkar received a Jame de Lion

Sarah Patrick Stewart was called forward to receive an Award of Arms

New heralds were invested, complete with baptism

Ieuan and Gwyneth Gower came forth to be crowned as Their Royal Highnesses of An Tir

Rodreckr ormstunga Sigmundson and Asa were given the Honor of the Silver Rose and the Honor of the Silver Lily

Sir Fiach CuCool Ulfredsson, to his great surprise, was given the Sable Chime

Attended by the SCA Chirurgeon, Naqiba Sayyida Sumayya al Ibelin stepped down as An Tir Chirurgeon, and THL Jahnkin de Leeuw stepped up

THL Jahnkin was asked to stay behind so that he could receive a Jambe de Lion

William McDonnel was presented with an Award of Arms

Brian of Cardiff was called forward to receive a Goutte de Sang

Enzio Bandonelli was offered admittance to the Order of the White Scarf, ceremony to take place at the Emprise of the Black Lion

Gannon ap Heilyn came forth to receive an Award of Arms to much acclaim from the populace

Kolfinna Aradóttir and Torfin Torgulsson were made the newest members of the Order of the Carp

Sunday, September 4, Kingdom Protector Tournament Invocation Court

Etole de Marchant was made a member of the Order of the Grey Goose Shaft

Sunday, September 4, Evening Court The Riderless Horse Ceremony opened the proceedings

The Autocrat thanked the many gentles who helped put on the event

Caoimhe ingen Domnaille was inducted into the Order of the Laurel; speakers were Mistress Yrsa, Duke Owain, and Master Mark of the White Hand; both the King and the Queen kissed the candidate, and she was made a Laurel with the Sword of State

Baroness Khalja Khorkoi was placed on Vigil for the Order of the Laurel

The Kingom Seneschal announced that the Board of Directors of the SCA has decided that the Shire of Dragon's Mist may become a barony

Their Royal Majesties welcomed the King of the West into Their Court

Annaka Poznanska was called forth to receive a Goutte de Sang

Members of the Royal Household, Guard, and Retinue - who had not already done so - were invited to swear fealty to Their Majesties

Members of the Populace were invited to swear fealty to Their Majesties

Annika ni Alisaundre dal gCais and Elena ni Alisaundre dal gCais were each awarded a Lion's Cub

Kent Red Leaf was presented with an Award of Arms

Tristan Vid Fari was called forward to receive an Award of Arms

The Kingdom Arts & Sciences Minister encouraged people to enter the Arts & Sciences Championship

Volk the Grey was awarded a Goutte de Sang

Elenor of Fire Mountain Keep was came forth to receive an Award of Arms

The Ladies of the Rose and Valorous Estate called Sir Richard Fergus Fitzalan and presented him with the Honor of the Belated Rose

The winner of the Kingdom Protector Tournament was Arthur of the Green Arrow

The Kingdom Earl Marshall announced that THL Arion the Wanderer will be the new Royal Archer

Shadra Aliya was place on vigil for the Order of the Laurel

HL Wulfryn (using the Cedric Broadcasting System) made it known that An Tir took first place in the Inter Kingdom Archery Competition in Period, Open, and Youth divisions

Myrick the Bear was called forward to receive an Award of Arms

Halla Drifasdottir and Kjallak Cyriacson each received a Lion's Cub

As this was the Crown Tournament that marked the thirtieth year of the Kingdom of An Tir, Sir Fiach came forth to call upon Jarl Ulfred, who was part of that history - whereupon Jarl Ulfred was inducted into the Order of the Pelican to thunderous acclaim and great emotion; speakers were Master Conchobar Clarsair, Sir Olin Ulfredsson, Ban-Jarla Daedin, Master Edward the Stuffy, and Master Duncan Ravensfuri

Rosamund Winder was presented with an Award of Arms

Francesca da Monte was released from service as the Kingdom Equestrian Champion, and presented with the Lion's Spear

Duchess Miranda Faoltiarna was invested as the new Kingdom Equestrian Champion

Christal Moore was awarded a Goutte de Sang

Jess Dunn of the Roving Irishmen was called forth to receive an Award of Arms

Hengist Helgison was awarded a Goutte de Sang

Mevanou verch Reys Yriskynit was called forward to receive an Award of Arms

Brenna Pennu was presented with an Award of Arms

Dylan ap Madrun was called forth to receive an Award of Arms

Bors the Lucious was awarded a Goutte de Sang

His Majesty had words of praise for the event and its participants

Reported by THL Angharad Albanes


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood