John deCanon

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Revision as of 22:02, 5 January 2012 by Johndecanon (talk | contribs)
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Quarterly Or and argent, a castle azure between three grenades gules.

John de Canon is is a Journeyman Chirurgeon hailing from the Barony of Blatha An Or in the Kingdom of An Tir. John has been known to play in the shire of Wyewood as well.

Mundanely John is a Washington State EMT-Basic with 16 years field experience and is a 3rd generation American Red Cross instructor with experience in teaching both pre-hospital and lay responders in Emergency response and QAquatics. He has worked as a lifeguard, summer camp medical service supervisor, the fire department, and is an active disaster responder for both the Civil Air Patrol and the State of Washington.