Sport of Kings XLVI

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The following occurred in the courts of Their Royal Majesties Thorin VII and Dagmaer II at Pennsic War XXXX (July 29-August 14, 2011), in the Kingdom of Aethelmearc, and Sport of Kings (August 18-21, 2011), in the Barony of Three Mountains: Presented by Their Majesties Thorin and Dagmaer at Pennsic, August 10, 2011 Caoimhe ingen Domnaille was placed on vigil for the Order of the Laurel

Presented by Their Majesties Thorin and Dagmaer at Sport of Kings, August 19, 2011

Sir Matheus Bane (Three Mountains) Lion's Torse

Presented by Their Majesties Thorin and Dagmaer at Sport of Kings, August 20, 2011

Their Majesties welcomed royalty from the Summits, Avacal and Three Mountains into court.

Thereafter followed a portion of Three Mountains Baronial Business.

Their Majesties welcomed HRM Duncan of Trimaris into court.

Three Mountains Baronial Court continued.

The Canton of Kaldor Ness presented gifts to all Royalty present.

Royal Court:

Their Majesties invited Duke Paul of Bellatrix into court, whereupon he swore fealty to the Crown of An Tir

Those of the Royal Household or Royal Retinue, who had not already done so, swore fealty

Viviene Lion came forward to receive an Award of Arms

Lady Rusudan (Three Mountains) received a Goutte de Sang from Their Majesties’ hands

Eleanor de Sackville (Three Mountains) was elevated to the Order of the Pelican

Selene Trioros (Three Mountains) was surprised to be called forward to received a Goutte de Sang

Dmitrii Dragonhealer (Dragon's Mist) was presented with an Award of Arms Appoline d'Avignon (Three Mountains) Jambe de Lion

Aedan Sayer received a Leo Minor

Ursula of Fowlkeep was presented with an Award of Arms

Gungreda the Good came forward to receive a Goutte de Sang

Alyna Wolfstan (Blatha An Oir), who spent over forty hours creating the silk Sport of Kings banners, was brought forward with much acclaim and presented with a Jambe de Lion

Lord Brjann’s beautiful shields were displayed to the assembled populace as he was presented with a Jambe de Lion

Duke Skeggi came forward and entertained the populace for a bit before presenting Balewulf with a Forget Me Not from the reign of Skeggi/Tasiia

Ignatius Rieger Von Wolfrathausen received an Award of Arms

Dafne Fraser (Three Mountains) was awarded a Goutte de Sang

Sterling Draugur came forward to receive a Jambe de Lion

Dean of Three Mountains (Three Mountains) was presented with an Award of Arms

Lourenco de Compostella (Three Mountains) was made a Knight of An Tir

Vanya Fiachson (Dragon's Mist) received an Award of Arms

Carina of Three Mountains (Three Mountains) Award of Arms

Kaaren Hakonsdotter (Three Mountains) got a Jambe de Lion for her birthday

Everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to Bardic Champion Galeran

Event Steward Announcements:

Alyna Wolfstan (Blatha An Oir) was the recipient of gift for her work on Silk Screened Banners, and Viana Rafsson, who filled in for a YAC instructor at the last minute, was singled out for praise by Sir Olin

Court was interrupted by what sounded like a small explosion. A tent had caught on fire, and we are pleased to report that no one was injured, and the fire put out with efficiency and great dispatch.

The Barony of Three Mountains had further business

Torchlight Tourney Results:

Sir Ulfgar Thorvaldsson (Shittimwoode) Torchlight Tourney Victor

Grand Tourney Results:

Duke Tiernan mor dal Cais (Stromgard) Command

Duke Tiernan mor dal Cais (Stromgard) Dedication

Duke Tiernan mor dal Cais (Stromgard) Chivalry

Sir Octamasades (Stromgard) Franchise

Duke Sean (Artemesia) Grand Tourney Victor

Sir Octamasades (Stromgard) King's Choice

Duke Tiernan mor dal Cais (Stromgard) Grand Champion

Royal Court continued:

Stephan Wulfen was called forward to receive and Award of Arms, and asked to remain so that he could receive a Jame de Lion

His Majesty had words of great praise for the event

Notes taken by HL Alessandra da Montefeltro and THL Angharad Albanes

Emprise of the Black Lion XLVI