A Game of Thrones and Stormgods XLV/2010

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23-25 July XLV/2010
Stromgard (Vancouver, WA)
(Modern name of site) Sample: Best Western Hotel, Bellingham WA
So hot. So very hot.
War for the Storm Throne
Stromgard Heavy Armored Champion Tournament
Stromgard Equestrian Champion Tournament
Stromgard Archery Champion Tournament
Stromgard Rapier Champion Tournament
Thrown Weapons Tournament

Event Highlights

Their Majesties ran the Party for the Hoard, a 4 event bash that consisted of fun games all over site and drinking. 4 teams competed for clues to a funny passphrase. The winners who guessed the passphrase got to split a chest of goodies.

Many of the water bearers brought water into the woods wearing sandals or even bare feet, only to be informed that stinging nettles were everywhere. There was an odd shortage of water bearers thereafter.

The heat was absolutely oppressive. Even in the shade of the wooded area, heavy fighters were falling out all day.

There were four armies in the heavy war; Saint Ulrich, Ship's Crew, Summits, and Iron Ring. Each team started with about 16 fighters. Ships Crew brought some mobile walls and supplemented their strong starting position with bracken and logs. The Summits lucked into a sort of birds nest ring of branches that must have been left over from the previous year. The Iron Ring fighters were not so lucky; they sort of picked a spot in a wooded corner and held on for dear life. The Company of Saint Ulrich brought a very stout black castle that turned out to be all but impregnable.

Many hasty treaties were made, as each team had to worry about securing their flanks as well as assaulting the main castle. Those treaties quickly broke as nervous fighters, not wanting to be betrayed, turned on "allies" who got too close. By the end of the second battle warbands were losing fighters from the stifling heat, and the third battle began with perhaps half of the original 70 fighters.

In the end, Saint Ulrich had the most time in the Stromgarde castle. Everyone fought hard and honorably, and friendships between An Tirians were greatly strengthened.


Facebook photos by Eleanor de Sackville

Personal Memories