Domenico Delvechio

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Domenico Delveccio resides in Shittimwoode, where he served briefly as Constable circa 2006. He has been given the Award of Arms and the Order of the Acacia.

Other known feats include twice running the Medieval Kitsch Contest (Under the secondary persona of Or Hood of Kitsch.) which has seen the display of such relics as Meresigha Stonegatta of Witham's first garb, and Ædla de Bothe's exquisite Hawaiian Byzantine garb. First prize was given to a Byzantine bottle opener. It is not certain who won the other Kitsch contest. The contest has since been discontinued.

About the persona:

Domenico, the third son of the Delveccio family, is named after St. Dominic, the founder of the Dominican order. He was sent to the church at a very young age to become a chorister. While castrati singers are thought of as having beautiful voices, Domenico did not fair well in the church and thus parted ways with it. He opted to assist the Delveccio family, a well organized group of Florentine fabric merchants, in their dealings with clients.

While Domenico is an ardent lover of modern fashion and every fabric known to man, he was not so clever or discrete a business man as was necessary in Florence. He found his way to Shittimwoode when encouraged to take an indefinite vacation from his native land, due to soured business dealings with certain high ranking individuals.

Domenico receives a small stipend from his brother, which is an amount far too small to sustain his life (Or so he says.).