User talk:Moreach

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Revision as of 02:37, 25 January 2008 by Moreach (talk | contribs)
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If you have a bone to pick, I'd rather you just email me.

moreach (AT) netzero DOT net

Filenames for arms


to save me having to save, rename, re-upload, and delete the original files, please follow the naming convention of full SCA name, underscore separated, with _arms.gif at the end. Thanks, --Krenn 04:21, 25 Jan 2008 (EST)

Filenames in General

Hello Krenn. I don't know that I know how this part works...

You do realize I am only importing the files exactly as listed on the Roll of Arms?

I have a question:

Why have two different "standards"? Isn't that just making it harder for ordinary people to use this wiki? Not that I won't do it in future, but it does mean I have to go into my files and rename all of them, (or ask Badger to do it with his thousands? nah) and then I have to rename them back again, because I work with Badger and the Roll far more than the wiki. (I don't know how to edit already-uploaded filenames.)

Seems a conflict that could have been avoided.

On a similar subject, someone recently went through the OP, which is automatically linked here (a GOOD idea) and edited many of the Anglo-Saxon "AE" names to the conjoined symbol and added other diacritical [sp?] marks. In some cases this has created two pages for the same person as the next OP reader doesn't know the spelling has changed, and thinks there's no entry. I've tried to move a few to take care of it, but this wiki is slightly different than the one I "grew up with" and I'm not very good at it...

Seems the CoA ought to have a meeting on standards maybe?

(Otherwise this is a SWELL thing!)


moreach (AT) netzero DOT net