Talk:Summer Hunt III 2007

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Comments about Summer Hunt III

From the Armoured Champion of 2007 Avete Earnrokke,

   I would like to take this time to thank everyone who was key to the event this weekend.  Ari and the autocrat staff, Donwenna and Agelos for the use of thier property and Johanne as the Seneschall for keeping Everything in the Shire together that makes Earnrokke the group that it is.
    Even thought the weather did not initially co-operate much, it turned into great Tourney weather.  I want to give special thanks to Agelos for Marshalling and Ari for Heralding the "Lordship Karl Redstone Memorial Tournament.  The Courtesy and Chivaric actions of al the fighters,  Thorkal, Durin, Johanes, Sven and Paladius, was incredible.  I am honored and humbled to have won.  I pledge to defend Earnrokke from any foe who would appear at its boundries while I serve.

    I also have one question, does anyone have any pictures of the fighting?

In Service, Gaivs Marivs Marinvs (Lord Guillaume) Squire of Seoinin Irontree Champion of Earnrokke

From: zinaida_the_horsegal To: Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 10:29 AM Subject: [WestKingdomEQ] Summer Hunt Update!

Summer Hunt Update I did have a wonderful time up in Washington at the Summer Hunt! It was held at Donwennas Ranch last weekend. Her homestead is very nice ( for us mountain folks where flat land is a premium). I would guess about 10 acres with a nice pond surrounded by low trees. They had the grounds fenced off with areas for horses, camping, and the quest area.

They had heavy fighting on Saturday, then Rain, then more Rain which I have to say was better then 100+ degrees which is what they had last year. So instead of riding we converged inside Donwennas house and watched some excellent videos on the EQ Emprise they have every year in September. This was informative for me and seemed to be a well run event. We shared general knowledge about EQ stuff and ogled each others sewing prowleness. It was a very nice afternoon in all especially with a nice pot of hot coffee. They cooked a wonderful dinner and after that we ventured out to the camping area and spent INSIDE a stunning Yurt! Mongolian at it's finest! (Donwenna insert link to the website [1]) I would love to give credit to where it is due, but unfortunately I am horrible with names. (Donwenna notes that the Mongol Lady was : THL Saikhan Narinaimoren) We spent the evening discussing documentation requirements and shared general A&S knowledge. Somewhere in their steak was cooked on the fire and wine flowed as freely as our wit!

The next day found the weather gods still snarky but we saddled up and ventured out into the wind and intermitent rain. I have to say the rental horses were very well taken care of and the wrangler crew were helpful and very sweet. We were auctioned and then took our places to wait to run the course. It was javelin, spear and javelin or/mounted archery. They did a two handed spear maneuver that was very cool! The event was well run, highly organized and a BLAST!

I am keeping my fingers crossed I can go back up next year! It also was a great opportunity to share information, how they do things EQ up there, How the group interacts ( gosh they are nice and friendly folks!!!!). My main highlight of the trip was meeting an exceptionally nice Lady who has a Mongolian persona (Sicyon?). Wow! Not only was she open and friendly but she also had tons of information on period Mongolian cooking!!!!, and sewing patterns!! WOWOWOWOW… ok so I have a ton of NEW projects to start!

So to wit I came back with Equestrian AnTir-usiam !!! Pictures will be posted at www.deliriumskid. com [2]


Lady Zinaida! (Permission given to Donwenna to post this on behalf of Zinaida)

We did not have the Hunt on Saturday as the wind blew so badly and it rained intermittently. they took a poll, however, and the intrepid heavy fighters did their tournament with six fighters and did amazingly well.

Because of the Weather we hung out at the house, or some people hung out at Khaidu and Saikans Ger. They have upgraded their fire pit, so it was a warm dry place for people to go.

In the evening I taught a documentation class and how to use the judging forms. It got very lively and rather heated in some places. (Keep in mind, anyone who teaches is giving THEIR OPINION, based on experience and research. I am coming from having been a very long time judge and competitor. That doesn't mean everything I say is the only way to do something. Other teachers have their opinions.) Sorry, I felt I needed to include this disclaimer.

The other smaller contests did not go off, not very many dogs this year.

Shadra is the still undefeated champion of Arts for Earnrokke, very cool entry of her soy sauce, al murri, but she found documentation that it was also used for medicating hounds!!

We had several guild members at this event, 12 riders and 12 foot hunters that stuck it out in the rain. I was so proud!!! Our guild members did well, Khaidu won the Summer hunt Championship with Francesca very close behind!! ( Charmene and I bought her!!!) Macha and Ace aquitted themselves well, and the Midhaven crew, Thorkell and Tara and Kolfinna were a joy to watch as usual. Agelos and Giraldus rode well in spite of the truelly sucky weather, Ersebet used Ace and did marvelously well. Marguarite's horse absolutely refused to go near the wolf, the look on that horses face was pretty obvious! But she was doing really well up until then! We had a visitor from the West, Zanaida, who really had a good time with our course, and our beginner, Anne, who stuck it out until the end and did her run, good job!

I of course, sat under the Aquaterra pavilion, out of harms way keeping score. There is a reason I volunteer for this you know!

It was unfortunate that Rhiannon didn't make it, she had a mishap with her horse on the way.

Angharad wussed out because of the weather, she didn't want to be sick for her trip, (which she is having a fabulous time, by the way!) but I am afraid I can't blame her, after sitting out in the cold and rain for 4 hours my throat was a little scratchy on Monday and that is bad for my job, so I will have to be more careful in future.

Sven was the Uber groundscrewman and my Apprentice Styrrcarr helped. He plans to sit at the feet of the master, and learn to be a groundscrewman for us.

Styrrcarr's lady Crinoch helped me with scoring I think we will just absorb them. We made them part of the guild that weekend.

Donwenna the goddess that she is, ran the auction and the course itself, she stood there in the rain right along with everyone else and kept it all going. She is the fiber that keeps us all together.

So in spite of the really really bad weather, it actually was a successful event, people had fun, and we got to be together. Most of us got together for the usual super secret guild meeting. It disintegrated into the usual telling of bad jokes. We celebrated Marguarites birthday anyway.

Earnrokke did a great job autocrating the event, no bad things happened,that I know of.

We are going to try for the END of June next year and see if we can find the perfect weekend!

Good job and Huzzah to all who participated and spectated!

regards, reported by,

Baroness Anastasia Alexandrovna Andreeva (OL)