Gianni Delamora

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Gianni Dellamora is a young man in the Rivers Region of An Tir. He is interested in martial arts, battles and sword fighting, fantasy literature and music. He also loves archery and equestrian activities, as well as boffer, dance and games. In 2005, Gianni began to create his own stories and hopes to publish some of them soon.

At the 2006 William Tell/Equestrian Event for the Barony of Stromgard and the Shire of River's Bend, he became a page to Earl Sir Edward Ian Anderson. He also enrolled in the College of Pages and will be in the Dragon's Mist chapter. Pictures can be found at:

In June of 2006, he became Champion of Children for the Barony of Stromgard, winning the archery, games and service areas of the competition. Pictures can be found at:

During 2007, Gianni continued to develop his skills of boffer, archery and dance. He also took up playing the fiddle after great inspiration by Alexander James Adams, a local Celtic musician. He also continues his work on piano and bodhran, and to write epic tales about knights an heroes.

In September of 2007, he became the Senior Youth Champion in the Barony of Stromgard, winning Arts and Sciences, bardic, boffer, games and archery.

At Twelfth Night 2008:

In June of 2008, Gianni became Youth Champion of Three Mountains, and was also given the Heart of Three Mountains award. He can still usually be found helping people at most events in the Rivers Region.

As of 2009, he towers over his Lady Mother by five inches!