Lions Gate Baroness' Winter Tourney XXXVIII/2003

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Lions Gate Baroness' Winter Tournament index page

6 Dec. XXXVIII/2003
Lions Gate (Vancouver, BC)

Court Report

Greetings unto all who read these words!

On the 6th day of December, Anno Societatis 38,
Their Highnesses of Tir Righ, Prince Ulf and Amira Celdae
held their second court at Baroness’ Winter Tourney in Lions Gate.

Prior to Their Highnesses Court, Master James of Seagirt was suitably punished for failing to wear the token of his position on retinue, the pink tassel. If the good people remember, Master James called Their Highnesses “wannabes” prior to their stepping up. Amira Celdae devised a suitable punishment for Master James for his lapse of proper etiquette (yet again). For about an hour or so, Master James became a foot stool for Amira Celdae’s lotus feet to rest upon. Master James was issued a reprieve, as he had to catch the boat back to Seagirt.

Let it be known that Prince Ulf and Amira Celdae granted the following awards:

Prince Ulf and Amira Celdae presented Lady Josephine Blackthorn with a Goutte de Sang on behalf of King Gunnar & Queen Gabriell.

Sir Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland: Order of the Red Flame
The Order of the Red flame was created by Amira Celdae, and membership is awarded by the Princess for excellence in researching and recreating the Middle Ages. (currently unofficial)

Prince Ulf and Amira Celdae presented HL Morweena of House Desdecardo with the Order of the Silver Pheon on behalf of Einar & Thora. The award was carved in runic on an arrow.

The Order of the Silver Pheon is an armigerous award given for significant contribution to archery within the Principality of Tir Righ. (currently unofficial)

The following Retinue were newly sworn in:

Hilâl bint Shareef of Eisenmarche, Mistress Seiglynda of Elphinstone of Lions Gate. Hilâl is the youngest member of Their Highnesses’ Retinue, and will act as Page when she is present.

The following presentations were also made:

Amira Celdae presented largesse tokens to Baroness' Tourney A&S entrants. The tokens were necklaces in the colours of Tir Righ and made with pride.

Amira Celdae presented Countess Melissa Kendal with beautiful black leather gloves with rabbit fur cuffs, which she had started for the countess when Melissa was queen. All shared the joy that Countess Melissa displayed upon receipt of her long overdue gloves.

Prince Ulf was presented with a very large basket of toys, which contained Fisher Price Castles and Knights by Baroness Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland. As well, it was Baroness Amanda’s birthday and later, Baron Steffano led the populace in a loud rendition of the Happy Birthday (SCA style). It was suggested that the toys were to keep His Highness entertained while court is in progress; Amira Celdae thought there was a dancing girl inside the basket. The gift, a sign of Baroness Amanda’s fun-loving personality, the smiles and laughter that rang through to court echoed the spirit of good mirth that abounds in Lions Gate.

The presiding nobles who witnessed these events were Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Skapti and Crown Princess Asa, and Their Excellencies Baron Harold Devin and Baroness Aurora Argentius. Honoured guests were Duke Paul of Bellatrix and Viscount Brian of Bellatrix from the West Kingdom, and Viscout Edward Zifran d’Gendy from the East Kingdom (previously of Shittimwoode).

Their Highnesses offer congratulations to all the recipients, and enjoyed themselves amongst the many people at Lions Gate.

In service, as-salam alaikum

Yslisabeata Tabassum al'Zarqa bint Hasan
Royal Secretary to Their Highnesses Tir Righ
Prince Ulf & Amira Celdae


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