Birna Þorfinsdóttir

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Birna Þorfinsdóttir

Birna, (prounounced Bur-Nah) in Old Norse means She Bear, and Þorfinsdóttir also coming from Old Norse translates to "Daughter of Thor Finnr". Finnr in Old Norse has a variety of meanings. Scholar or magician are the most common meanings.

No Blazonry has been created or submitted as of yet.

Persona History

Born in 925 A.D. Birna was the only child to her mother and father. Her father Finnr was the village scholar, also known as the village healer due to his potions and healing salves. At a young age Birna followed in her father's footsteps learning to be an herbalist and make the helpful potions that her father made. Her father frequently travelled to other villages offering his services to the needy.

In the spring of the year 940 while Birna's father was away on one of his many trips, Birna was out foraging for herbs away from the village. She didn't know it at the time but a group of raiders attacked her village killing everyone within, including Birna's mother. Birna returned to find no survivors and all of the structures in the village engulfed in flames. She did what she could to put out the fires and look for survivors but no one living could be found. Most of the people in the village were simple farmers and merchants and while they fought their hardest, they were no match for the invaders. As the days past, Birna spent her time working on strengthening the supports for the structures that could be salvaged or tearing down what could not so a new structure could one day be built.

The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months and Birna continued to use the skills that she was taught in order to survive on her own. One day, at dusk she noticed a lone traveller walking toward the remains of her village. Fearing this was a scout for another raiding group she strung her bow and shouldered her quiver. As the stranger got closer he dropped his things and ran into the village seeing the destruction for the first time. It was then that Birna recognized that her father had returned. She put down her bow and quiver and ran to him tears running down her cheeks. Birna explained what had happened to the village and her mother. It was shortly after this that they decided to travel together the shores of Norway and work as a team preparing potions and healing salves and providing them to those in need at a more then reasonable price.

In 944 A.D. Birna's father decided to set up shop permanently in a small fishing village on the coast. The first time that Birna and her father came to this village to sell their wares the people were friendly and welcoming and made them both feel at home right away. They visited this village many times in their travels and always looked forward to returning. It was the only village that came to mind to Finnr when he decided he was getting to old to travel.

About a year later Birna was out collecting ingredients when she saw a weary traveller walking towards the village. At that time she paid him no mind and continued with her task. He looked as though he was on a quest of his own. What she didn't know was that their paths were destined to cross again. The following day as Birna was collecting wood to start the cooking fire, her foot became entangled in the roots of an old oak tree. She fell, losing all of the wood that she had gathered. The weary traveller she saw the previous day saw her fall and ran over to assist her. He helped Birna up and then introduced himself as Eiryk Randsson. After she introduced herself, he picked up the wood that she had dropped and escorted her back to camp. Birna's father saw them returning together and asked Eiryk to stay for a meal.

As time passed Birna and Eiryk became closer. Then in the summer of 945, while standing together on the shore looking out at the ocean Eiryk asked Birna to be his wife. Shortly after they were married. Although Birna and Eiryk consider her father's fishing village their home, Birna spends all of her time at Eiryk's side while he continues to search for his missing father. They both always look forward to the days that they return to the small fishing village that they both call home.

SCA History

Introduction from Mundane to SCA history goes here.


War Field Support, kitchen assistant, and over all helpful Lady.

Friend of The Iron Ring.

Woman at Arms to Sionaid ine Cullaich.


Combat Archery




Open Fire Cooking




Events Attended
