Iago ab Adam
SCA History
Iago joined the Society in the fall of 1994. He was admitted to the Order of the Jambe de Lion on March 7 AS 32 by Brendan and Aryana. At Twelfth Night Coronation XXXV/2001 he and his lady wife Cecille de Beumund were offered entry into the Order of the Laurel, but they both chose to take a vigil until July Coronation XXXVI/2001, where they received the honour from the hands of Davin and Groa. During the time on vigil Iago completed his masterwork, a roll of arms based on the arms borne at the Siege of Caerlaverock Castle in the year 1300. After nearly 15 years in the Society he was presented with an Award of Arms from Their Majesties Vik and Inga at Daffodil Tournament XVIII/2009. He has one apprentice, Sigrún Ragnarsdóttir.
Persona History
Iago ab Adam is a Welshman living in England in the year 1296. He divides his time between his wife Cecille's estate at Crosswell-Beumund and his at Great Ockham.
Iago was first known as Jaco ap Cadfael, then Jacobos mapos Catomagli, then Jacobus filius Catomagli, until finally settling on Iago ab Adam. He currently signs as, or answers to, the variants Iago ap Adam, Iacobus filius Ade, Jamys Badeham, and Iakov Adamov, among others. He often renders his title as Maister, an Anglo-Norman spelling of Master, when using the 13th C. forms of his name.
Scribal Creations
- Court Baroness scroll which I translated into Old Church Slavonic, done in a 16th C. Russian style
- A scroll for the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Champion, in the style of an Italian Renaissance frontspiece
- Seagirt's petition to be granted Baronial status
- Saint Giles College's petition for incipiency status
- University of Ithra scroll for a Magisters Degree. Modern Russian wording calligraphed and illuminated in a 13th C. Russian style
Bardic Creations
- Iago's An Tir
- Goldihat and the Three Peers
- Everybody is Mundane
- Heral-Do Re Mi (with Margaree ny Kenneth)
Awards Summary
- Silent Harp (Seagirt) Feb 28 AS 31 / 1997
- Fellow of Saint Giles (Saint Giles) Mar 21 AS 31 / 1997
- Jambe de Lion Mar 7 AS 32 / 1998
- Seagull (Seagirt) Mar 21 AS 32 / 1998
- Magistrae Ithra Sept 17 AS 35 / 2000
- Laurel July 21 AS 36 / 2001
- Award of Arms March 14 AS 43 / 2009
Known Accomplices
Iago can most often be found in the company of:
- Lady Tita the Wanderer
- HL Rosamund Kilpatrick
- Lady Bartolomea di Antonio Rossini
- Lady Aine inghean ui Chonchobhair