Yseult of Broceliande

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Yseult of Broceliande served solo as the 3rd Baroness of Adiantum from 27 May XXV/1990 through 30 May XXVIII/1993. On stepping down as Baroness of Adiantum, she was made a Court Baroness, May 30 AS 28 / 1993, She has received the following awards: Baronial Brownie (Adiantum) Jan 15 AS 17 / 1983; Award of Arms July 9 AS 18 / 1983; Jambe de Lion May 26 AS 19 / 1984; Goutte de Sang May 24 AS 21 / 1986; Fern and Quill (Adiantum Arts award) May 26 AS 23 / 1988; Pelican Sept 23 AS 24 / 1989; Forget-me-not Oct 20 AS 25 / 1990. She founded the Baronial newsletter, The Bicranial Bear, served as Seneschal (AS 20-21) and Arts Minister (AS 22) and Castellan (AS 22-25) of Adiantum , and autocrated Egil's Tourney IX and XV, the Law Court Revel AS18, the exhibit and demo at Eugene WISTEC for the Magna Carta Exhibit AS 21, the dancers who performed with the Lincoln Mystery Play at Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene AS 24, the Baronial Beach Parties AS 24 & 25, and 12th Night Coronation AS 24.

Yseult's persona is late 12th century from the area around modern Narbonne, France. Her land holdings include coastal land with salt pans and scrub oak where the kermes beetles that produce red dye are collected. Another property in the hills produces a decent wine. She is unusually well educated for a woman, that is she can read and write. Her first husband died in the Holy Land, and she has managed her estate since then. This has put her in contact with the Jews who have the farm of the Bishop of Narbonne's salt pans, near hers, and the Cathars who live in the hills. Genoese traders buy her salt and dye in Narbonne, so she is involved in the busy Mediterranean trade world. She has had her sobriquet "of Broceliande" since late childhood because of her love of the courtly tales of King Arthur told by the traveling bards.