Edward Ian Anderson

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Earl Edward is known for his skills in the equestrian arts and research in Polish Hussars.

Ed Carthell

SCA Volunteer resume Earl Edward Ean Anderson, KSCA, OL,

I joined the SCA in 1982 in the Kingdom of An Tir, Barony of Madrone, in Seattle WA. Awards that I have received for my activities with in the SCA for the last 23 years.

Award of Arms Sept 4 AS 17 / 1982
Sergeant (Madrone) July 24 AS 18 / 1983
Goutte de Sang Jan 14 AS 18 / 1984
Knight Feb 19 AS 18 / 1984
Forget-me-not July 14 AS 19 / 1984
Green Leaf (Madrone) Nov 3 AS 19 / 1984
New Battered Helm (Caid) June 2 AS 20 / 1985
Count (Caid) Nov 22 AS 21 / 1986
Dolphin (Caid) Sept 17 AS 23 / 1988
New Battered Helm (Caid) June 6 AS 24 / 1989
Hasta Leonis July 5 AS 32 / 1997
Jambe de Lion Nov 8 AS 32 / 1997
Bell & Chain (Stromgard) July 1 AS 34 / 1999
Forget-me-not June 29 AS 37 / 2002
King's Favor July 20 AS 37 / 2002
Laurel Sep 4 AS 40 / 2005
Ordo Equis Sep4 AS 40 / 2005

Offices and accomplishments with in the SCA:

In 1982 I was the 1St demo coordinator for the Barony of Madrone. I held that office for three years. I created the office and during my tenure organized over 25 demos with a staff of 35 people working with me to bring educational demos to the Seattle area. We also brought in to the Barony close to $2000 a year in donations to support the demos we were conducting.

I received my AoA in An Tir, for working with new members and helping shepherd new teens and keep them out of trouble. I took under my wing about 5 teens from the local area. I met with their parents and acted as their guardian at events. This allowed them to play and learn about the SCA in a safe environment.

In 1983 I became a senior marshal and helped with the marshaling at events and practices, when I wasn't fighting. I've helped to train a number of new marshals. Since 1983 I have continued as a senior heavy marshal, and become a junior archery marshal, a junior rapier marshal and an equestrian marshal. I understand and support the office and the functions of the marshalate offices from the bottom to the top.

I was knighted in 1984 in An Tir. I have had 12 squires over the years and have had 6 of them elevated to the peerages. (1 Knight, 2 Pelicans, and 3 Laurels)

In 1985 I moved to Caid. Soon after moving, the King of Caid installed me as the Vicar for the Barony of Angeles when he removed the Baron and Baroness for cause. I worked for one year to bring the various factions together to make a stronger group. I tried to heal some of the divisions within the group and think that I helped to bring some stability to the Barony.

In 1986 I won the Crown of Caid and served as King. This was a rewarding and fun job that I learned a lot from. While in office as the Crown, my lady and I took care of a lot of paper work and problems that past Crowns had ignored for years.

At the 20-year calibration I won the knights Equestrian competition and was presented with the golden spurs. This started my love of equestrian within the SCA.

When I returned to CAID after the celebration I was asked to be one of the 1st Caiden Equestrian marshals and to serve as a Regent on the first Caiden Equestrian College. I helped write the 1st Caiden book of horse. I also set up and ran 5 to 6 Equestrian events and many monthly practices. I worked very hard to try to bring the different elements within the equestrian community together. I served in that office for 4 years. In that time I helped to set up and run a very functional group.

I also held the position of Commander for the 5th brigade in the Caiden army. I set up the training and the organization for 135 fighters and their support staff (i.e.: we fielded 7 marshals, 3 chirugens, and 10 water bearers for the wars that we attended)

In 1991 I moved back to An Tir and helped to set up the An Tir College of Horse which I headed for 1 ½ years. In 1994, I was appointed by the Crown to be the 1st An Tir Officer of Horse. I completed the 1st marshalate organization, and with the help of the active group at that time and we wrote the 1st An Tirian book of horse, which was then signed into law. I then turned over the office to my successors and helped them to keep the office running. I have served since that time as marshal and have helped to advise the officers of horse. I have marshaled at least two to three events a year. I have traveled extensively within and as much as possible outside An Tir. I try to ride in as many events as I can make it to each year. I have been to three so far this year, and plan on 4-6 more. I also try to travel to different Kingdoms to ride and help with their event. I have ridden in CAID, West and Artemisia.

In 1996 I was the horse and site sub-autocrat for the 30-year celebration, held in An Tir. I found and negotiated the site with the Clark County Fair Board. I set up, organized, and managed all the horse activities at the 30-year celebration. I found and brought in a good rental string for the rental of horses. I also found and arranged for the driver who did the "taxi" service with draft horses and a cart at 30-year, thus making a bigger presence for equestrian and taking equestrian to people who would otherwise have had no contact.

I served as the Shire of Stromgard's Chateline for several years.

I helped with the committee on moving Stromgard from a Shire to Barony status.

In 1998 I autocrated July Coronation for An Tir.

In 2002 I autocrated May Crown for An Tir. At both of these Crown level events, my assistants all were willing to do another Crown event as soon as possible again.

In 2004/5 I served as a member of the rules committee for the rewrite of the An Tir book of horse.