Avacal Tournament of Tournaments

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Avacal ToT website

The Avacal Tournament of Tournaments (ToT) is a year long competition where points are earned for tournaments entered based on the final placement of the fighters in the tourney. Tourneys held at events in Avacal as well as Crown events are included.

There are currently two divisions; Armoured whose season begins with August Investiture and Rapier which begins with February Investiture.

The two divisions are both divided into 4 classes of competition:

Armoured Rapier
Class 1 Knights White Scarves
Class 2 Squires Cadets
Class 3 >1 Year tourney experience >1 Year tourney experience
Class 4 <1 Year tourney experience <1 Year tourney experience

Fighters' scores are compared against scores in the same class to determine the winner of each class. Fighters with scores that are sufficient to win in a higher class will be declared the winner of the higher class. The next highest placing fighter will be declared the winner of the lower class. For example, fighter in Class 3 ends the circuit with a higher score than any of the cadets. That Class 3 fighter will be declared the winner of Class 2. The next highest scoring fighter in Class 3 will be declared the winner of Class 3.