Amnara, aka Amanda McCartney, is one of the Bards of Keypoynt, along with her SCAdian AND real-life husband, Kenneniah, aka Nathan McCartney. The Bards of Keypoynt were named the Bardic Champions of Midhaven in 2008, and representing the Bards, Amnara became the Bardic Champion of Shittimwoode. This apparently makes her the long-awaited "Bride of Bunny" in the long and prestigeous line of "Bunny Bards."
Amnara became involved in the society during 40th Year Celebration and has attended a plethora of events every year since. As a member of the Towne of KeyPoynt, she and her husband naturally fell into the role of the Bards of Keypoynt along with their soon-to-be-brother-in-law, Reyus, aka Joshua Ian Scott. Together, they have produced their first album "Welcome to KeyPoynt," an original 15 song CD they sold through their merchanting business, Anacadia Artisans. Amnara also did the cover art for the album.
In the mundane world, Amanda is an artist of every sort, and is currently working on getting her first full-length musical on stage. As far as her SCAdian life goes, she enjoys getting the Bards out there, and wants to be a part of every Bardic Competition she can attend, because there are few things a bard loves more than meeting other bards!
For more information about Amnara and the Bards, please meander over to their official home page: