Malie Rennick

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Malie Rennick was born near Ard na Caithne, Co Kerry in 1558, the year Queen Elizabeth came to the throne. She grew up in a staunchly Catholic family, and both her parents were strong supporters of anti-English and anti-Protestant sentiments. Her mother and father were massacred by English troops at the Seige of Smerwick in 1880, during the Second Desmond Rebellion, and Malie, with no other family to tie her to the area, moved to Tralee. There she met, and married Seamus McKinnich, and began to gain a reputaion for making a variety of high quality woven items, from belts to baskets. She also makes a point of knowing which end of a sword to stick in the other person, so she will not die as her parents did.


I currently work on the North Shore, and live in Vancouver with my partner, two cats and (at times) his two children. I've been in the SCA properly since Fall 2007, but have been attending Clinton since 2004.


  • Rapier
  • Period Sword fighting
  • Inkle & Tablet Weaving
  • Natural Dyes & Dyeing
  • Hand-spinning & Wheel Spinning
  • Brewing & Mead-making
  • Costuming & Sewing
  • History (Irish/English)
  • Knitting
  • Cooking
  • Basket weaving


  • September AS 42 (2007) Joined the SCA
  • September AS 42 (2007) Started attending Lions Gate Rapier Practices in New Westminster with Warwick Drakkar
  • December AS 42 (2007) Participated in my first Tournament when I entered Gerhard's Riposte at Baroness' Birthday Tournament XLII/2007
  • September AS 43 (2008) Joined the Retinue of Prince Raknar and Princess Chiara
  • November AS 43 (2008) Participated in, and had the honour of winning Gerhard's Riposte at Baroness' Birthday Tournament XLIII/2008