Cynthia Du Pont

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'Madame du Pont

1540's, Paris, France 

I have been involved with the SCA and the new Shire of Tymberhavene since 2006, of which I am currently Chatelaine.

I have received Baronial Brownie Points and my Award of Arms. My hound, Pluto, won the Hunt Guild Costume Contest at the May Crown 2008. My name and device are currently submitted for approval with Laurel. I won an award for some poems I acted out at a bardic competition at Tymberhavene's Birthday Bash in 2007. I also belly dance, play the recorder, and recently learned how to make silk standards (banners).

My Persona: Madame Cynthia du Pont, 1540's Paris, SCA age: 45 years old My Papa, an aristocrat, fell in love with my mother,a gypsy woman on the outskirts of Paris in 1502. When going to town from his country home he passed by a caravan of gypsies. Sitting in the back of a wagon he saw a lovely girl. When in town, he ran into her again and they were taken with eachother. They were married, but it was annulled by his parents. My Papa never remarried and ocassionally saw my Mama when her clan came to the outskirs of Paris. They were very much in love.

At 3 years of age, after being with my Mama's caravan, I was put in a nunnery where I learned to read and write.  At 12 years old,  I was taken in by a noble's family to read to their children and write correspondences.  At 14 years old, I was married to an older man, who treated me kindly, Monsieur Henri du Pont.  Upon his death, when I was 22 years old, I rented out his chateau and moved back into the noble's home.  Following in my parents footsteps, I fell in love with a man out my station in life.  We had to be content with casual meetings in Paris and writing letters and love poems to eachother.
I never knew my Papa, but he paid for my care in the nunnery, which is why I was well cared for.  I often wondered, when I passed men on the street of Paris, if one of them was my Papa.  He had a small portrait of my Mama painted and had it delivered to me.  My Mama has passed on, and I carry the picture everywhere with me.  I still meet with my mother's clan on occasion, and belly dance around the campfire and listen to wonderful stories of their travels when they pass through the outskirts of Pairs.  For a woman of the 1540's I live a very content life.