Cara Dea DaFortuna

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Cara Dea DaFortuna, roughly translates to; Beloved Goddess of Fortune. This persona is of Italian descent, late period 1530's The names were selected from 2 different databases; Cara Dea from DaFortuna from

Her selection of those names reflects her attempt at the fine art of "canting" both the name and device (which are both in the pre-stage of the submission process) The current version of her device is: (please forgive the heraldry)

Argent, on a chevron vert, three bezants, between three flames proper, each issuant a billet vert.

Cara Dea received an "Award of Arms" at the Sport of Kings, August 2007.

Cara Dea is currently the webminister for, the offical website for the Shire of Dragon's Mist, Beaverton Oregon.
