Ankle Ankle Wrist

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There was a time when there were 11 Gucci Fighters. This was back when Crown lists held about 30 fighters and there was a drunken plan made. It was all in good fun and theorizing about how to get a Gucci King. There was a lot of talent but not a lot of dedication to fighting. However the AAW plan came to be one Friday night before a crown tourney. While sitting around discussing the rules of the list someone piped up and said, "You know you get to throw three bad shots before they will throw you off the field. Say perhaps like if we all ANKLE ANKLE WRIST all the Dukes and Knights in the first couple of rounds, by the time they have thrown all of us out one of us might have a shot at winning crown after crippling all of the competition. Of course We were sitting around drinking and discussing it and laughing about the absurdity of the rules. I don't remember who it was who overheard us but in the first rounds of the tourney we all found ourselves nearly instantly dispatched with great prejudice.

That's where the war cry Ankle Ankle Wrist comes from.