Warren War VI XXXIX/2004
- Date
- 27-29 August XXXVIII/2004
- Branch
- Shittimwoode (Bellingham, WA)
- Autocrat
- Rohesia Moreleigh and Tanayle Haga
- Site
- Hovander Homestead Park
- Weather
- Overcast with drizzle
- Activities
- Armored combat war, Rapier war, Equestrian tournaments, silent auction, brewing contest, Predator/Prey, Siege Cooking, Siege Costuming, Archery and Darts, Scavenger Hunt, Newcomer Night, Boffer tournament, a wedding, Period Encampment
- Shire Champion competition for Bardic
Event Highlights
- Bardic Champion - Lord Caiaphas
Personal Memories
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