Lionsdale Champions Tourney XLI/2006

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17-18 June. XLI/2006
Shire of Lionsdale (Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Mission, Hope, Harrison B.C.)
Tomas deCourcy John Shewan
Chilliwack Fish and Game Club (Chillwiack B.C.)
Torrential downpour on Friday, sunny and hot rest of event
Armoured Combat Championship
Missile Combat Championship
Archery Championship
Thrown Weapons Championship
Bardic Championship
Rapier Tourney
Ladies Frying Pan Toss
Lord Ivar's Memorial

Event Highlights

Arriving on a beautiful clear and sunny day on Friday we expected the weather to stay that way. It didn't. By the time the site officially opened it was pouring. We began setting beds up indoors and throwing tarps over everything. The rain began to slow by 7 or 8 and was done by about 9. Everything dried up quickly the next day in the heat.

The new champions were:

Armoured Combat
His Excellency Viscount Ieuan Gower
Thrown Weapons
Lord Michael Zidel
Missile Combat
Lord William Arwemakere
Lord Misallel
James Killgannon

The winner of the Ladies Frying Pan toss was... (Misallel's lady, someone help with the name?).
The winner of the Rapier tourney was Connal MacLaomuinn.
The winner of the Field Heraldry competition was Maestro Guidobaldo de Aquilla.
The winner of the Heraldic Display competition was Ayame.

Three younger members of the shire were called into court to thank them for their help over the course of the event (names?).


2006 Lionsdale Events

Personal Memories

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Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood