Mischka Ravensfuri

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Also known as: Mishka Petrovich Valadesque
Highest Current Award: Laurel
Current/Last Known Branch: Porte de l'Eau (He is has also lived in Three Mountains and the Shire of Silverhart.)

Mischka is married to Kiriena Voronaskaia and is one of the Ravensfuri brothers: Barak Ravensfuri, Davin Steingrimsson, Dungadar Ravensfuri, Garan Steingrimson, Gunther Ravensfuri, Skeggi Hrafensfuri, and Skapti Thorinsson. His laurel was awarded for his mastery of the metal arts and historical pattern welded steel. His homepage ishere.

 Award of Arms Apr 25 AS 26 / 1992 
 Forget-me-not June 27 AS 27 / 1992 
 Jambe de Lion July 11 AS 27 / 1992 
 Sergeant (Wastekeep) May 8 AS 28 / 1993 
 Laurel Jan 10 AS 32 / 1998 
 Court Baron Sept 4 AS 34 / 1999 
 Forget-me-not Jan 8 AS 34 / 2000 
 Goutte de Sang Aug 4 AS 37 / 2002 
 Throne Favor July 19 AS 38 / 2003 
 Forget-me-not July 19 AS 38 / 2003 

Mischka, modernly known as John Ramsey Booth, was fatally injured in a motorcycle accident May 2008.