Tir Righ Winter Investiture XXXIX/2004

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Court Report

Court Report of Their Highnesses Prince Ulf and ban-Fhlaith Bernadette
Tir Righ Winter Investiture
November 20, 2004 AS 39
Shire of False Isle

November 20, 2004 AS XXXIX (39)

Swearing of Fealty by Royal Retinue. Head Lady-in-Waiting identified as HL Yolande Chastellain and Head Guard as Lord Sigurd Kerr de Roxburgh. Retinue identifiers are red Varangian cloaks for the Princes' Guard, blue and white baldrics made by Lady Mederi from Dansecombe for the Princess' Protectors, and blue and white inkle loom armbands made by Lady Eleanor Wrenn from Ramsgaard for all the Royal Retinue

Kheron Azov - Lions Gate - Viscount
Ksenia Einarsdottir - Lions Gate - Viscountess
Ksenia Einarsdottir - Lions Gate - Order of the Ladies of Valorous Estate (ban-Fhlaith Bernadette gifted her with a wood and rose tapestry sewing box, a round silver box with a sun engraved on the lid, and 3 blush roses)

ban-Fhlaith Bernadette gifted Prince Ulf; in the hopes of having a reign with good spirits; with a viking haversack made by Lady Eleanor Wrenn inscribed with the words "May you always have good spirits", the haversack of course being filled with scotch.

Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland - Lions Gate - Silver Pillar (there was a resounding noise and standing ovation for Her Excellency)

November 21, 2004 AS XXXIX (AS 39)

Guidobaldo Marco Odo d'Aquila - Lions Gate - Tir Righ Rapier Champion. There were 12 entrants in the Lists, and he bested Enoch Jacobsz van Zuidenland, his student, in the final round by killing Enoch in the first two fights. Augustine and Randolph Dana were eliminated in the semi-finals.

Lasairiona inghean Uilliam na Seoltadh - Lions Gate - Guardian of Tir Righ - was thanked for her contributions and presented with a Guardian token of blue and white hand-made glass made by Lady Marionella from Lions Gate.

At the request of Her Highness, the marshalls kept careful watch for the most chivalric fighter of the tournament, Rapier Marshal Magdalena Kress announced the winner of the Chivalry prize - Student to Don Pierce O'Briain, Kateryn Drake. ban-Fhlaith Berndatte gifted her with a beautiful green glass bead necklace made by Danika Peocile de Lenora from Lionsdale and expressed her joy that the recipient fighter was a Lady!!!

Autocrats thanked the populace and Their Excellencies Kheron and Ksenia and Their Highnesses Ulf and Bernadette, gifting Them with gift baskets of mead, chocolate and fruit brought up with all the memebers of False Isle present. In turn, ban-Fhlaith Bernadette thanked the Autocrats with a note-book hand-made by HL Aelana Cordovera and commented on how many of the faces were not seen on the day before as many of them were busy in the kitchen and organising behind the scenes.Her Highness expressed her thanks to the whole shire for all their amazing hard work.

Yours In Service,

Yslisabeata Tabassum al’Zarqa, Princess Talon of Favour
Royal Secretary to Their Highnesses Tir Righ
Ulf II and Bernadette
Deputy A&S Minister
Principality of Tir Righ
Kingdom of An Tir