Alexsander von Mausheim

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Ambassador, Archer, and Artisan

Appointed by Queen Angharad as An Tir's ambassador to the Kingdom of Drachenwald in AS XL, Lord Alexsander represented An Tir well into the far reaches of the lands of Drachenwald, and served as a visting warranted chirurgeon at several events through central Drachenwald.

AvM at Burgruine Hohenecken.jpgMausheim device in full glorious color 3.jpg

While in Drachenwald, Alexsander pursued several major arts & sciences projects, culminating in a full set of 14th century archer's kit.

Alexsander also served as an unofficial representative to the Barony of Dun Carraig in the Kingdom of Atlantia during AS XXXIX, where he was made a member of the Company of Wayfarers in part for his service to the Barony as a cartographer.

Alexsander currently serves as a Warranted Chirurgeon, Deputy Herald, and Deputy to the Chief Archer in the Shire of Wyewood. He is a student of rapier under Don Conal MacLaren, and is a member of Wyewood's Scriptorium under Dame Tamlyn of Wyntersea. He was a contributor to the 40-year Domesday Boke, drawing maps for both Wyewood's and the Kingdom's pages, and is a member of the Moneyers' Guild of An Tir.