May Crown Tournament XLII/2007

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19-21 May XLII/20067
Vulcanfelt (Toppenish, WA)
Toppenish Fair Grounds
Hot, Windy
Crown Tournament
Rapier, Archery, Thrown Weapons, Equestrian activities
Squire's Tournament
Youth tournament

Event Highlights

(Stuff that happened in Court, or who won the contests, or that happened to all or most people on site e.g. a windstorm, or banquet details. Include links to other pages as appropriate.)

Tiernan mor dal Cais won Crown for Miranda Faoltiarna

The Ladies of the Rose and the Valerous Estate presented the Riderless Horse Ceremony as represented by Ace. Five tassels were presented.

Squires' Tournament Results

Greetings all,

Here are the results of the Squires' Tourney at May Crown. Please feel free to forward as needed.

Prizes were donated by Baroness Saewynn, Realm of Regalia and Gypsy Traders.

Chivalry Prize: Saif al Saran, Squire to Sir Owain ap Einar.

Most Wins - 41: Aiden ap Darren y Cigfrain, Squire to Master Grendal

Aiden also had most fights with 48. Since a Squire can only win one of the prizes, Most Fights was awarded to the fighter with the next highest total.

Most fights - 38: Garwulf the Younger, Squire to Sir Osric Wolfsbaitr.

Congratulations to all who participated and my thanks to all who help make the tournament possible.

The results are listed below. The formatting may not work with all email types, so the first number after the fighter's name is Wins; the second, losses; and the third, total fights.

Squire Total Wins Total Losses Total Fights Aelfwine 9 13 22

Aethan of Eppelhyrste 13 10 23

Aiden ap Darren y Cifgrain 41 6 47

Aleyn the Younger 16 10 26

Arminius 10 19 29

Asa 12 12 24

Askell Sigurdsson 10 12 22

Avery Westfall 16 5 21

Berwyn ap Ulric 17 20 37

Boli Haxson 8 17 25

Conal Macallister 0 0 0

Cristen Breaniann 1 18 19

Cyneric Bearson 15 18 33

Deasal 16 13 29

Einar Knuteson 0 0 0

Eion Macintyre 5 25 30

Elanor Wrenn 11 6 17

Elgar of Stonehaven 10 12 22

Felix O'Flynn 7 24 31

Fenrick Vikingsson 10 15 25

Fergus Sturrock 22 10 32

Gabriel Luvedey 25 7 32

Garvin MacBrannon 8 21 29

Garwulf the Younger 11 27 38

Georgii Bjornson 14 14 28

Gerhard Thorwulfsson 12 12 24

Grim Saexwulfson 2 8 10

Hallgrim 14 9 23

Heilyn de Highwater 14 17 31

Hienrich Wilhelm von Ansbach 11 24 35

Hjlmr inn Danski 0 0 0

Iain Gutherie 4 14 18

Ihon Maccfearn 6 23 29

Inga the Unfettered 0 0 0

Ivarr Ulfvarinsson 18 8 26

Jatirapa Batu 0 0 0

John de Percy 4 27 31

Kelwin Ratslayer 4 32 36

Kerrigan 23 4 27

Khai Steinsson 16 2 18

Kvigr Ivarsson 0 0 0

Lachlan Maclean 19 5 24

Leith Ambranid 33 4 37

Malachi of Lloegr 9 14 23

Matheus Bane 24 9 33

Meredudd Kennith 15 16 31

Morgan 4 20 24

Nels Ulfger I Jaren 13 7 20

Olfus Thorvaldsson 26 6 32

Primus Darius Corvinus 6 26 32

Qori Qanar 11 18 29

Rayner 6 17 23

Richard Dragun 12 10 22

Richard Edward 9 15 24

Rodrigo de Granada 14 3 17

Saif al Saran 4 1 5

Sebastian Ffraser 6 17 23

Shaytan al Barak 9 5 14

Valerius Romanus 10 9 19

William of the Battered Helm 0 0 0

Wredech Mac Feth 0 0 0

If you have any questions or feedback about the tourney, please contact me offlist.

In service, I remain

Lady Cainder nic Sheanlaoich

Squires' Tourney Coordinator

Event Copy
