Kseniia Smol'nyanina

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Kseniia Smol'nianina is a young Russian woman in the time of Mstislav Romanovich, Grand Prince of Smolensk (late 12th century). The Mongols are on the march, but have not yet reached the city (they will do so in 1238). However, she has been known to century-hop, occasionally showing up as a 10th century Krivich or even a 16th century Russian noblewoman.

Shire of Mountain Freehold, East Kingdom (Burlington, VT, 1998 - 1999) Canton of Vonspring, Middle Kingdom (East Lansing, MI, 1999-2000) Nasledie Predkov (Moscow, Russia, 2000-2001) Barony of Three Mountains, of Antir (Portland, OR, 2001 - present)

Kseniia's interests in the SCA are diverse and many. Most of her time has been taken up with researching and making authentic Russian garb and learning other textile-related arts and skills. She is also very interested in Russian folk songs, which, while not period, are generally great fun and very loud. She is apprenticed to Mistress Svava in Litla.

In case you're wondering, "Kseniia Smol'nianina" is pronounced: KSEN-ee-yah smole-NYAHN-een-ah.