Help:Uploading images

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Photo Upload policy has changed

While logged in with a confirmed account, you should have access to the Upload File link on the left side menu, under Tools.

Clicking it will bring you to the Upload File page. You'll want to click the Browse button and select your image file that you want to upload. Note that the image must be in one of the image formats that the wiki understands (png, gif, jpg, jpeg, webp).

There is an area to fill out information about the file. You can change the default filename, and you will want to pick something both descriptive and unique. It does have to follow the rules for computer file names, so spaces or some special characters may not be allowed. For example, if you are uploading a picture of your Award of Arms, you don't want to name it "AoA.jpg" — there are hundreds, or even thousands of other users on the wiki, and many of them will also likely want to upload a similar item for themselves. Likewise, you may not want to name it "872250.jpg", as that's not descriptive, and the name is hard to remember and search for.

So, if you are named "Joan of Arc", a good name for a picture of your AoA might be "Joan-of-Arc-AoA.jpg". Likewise, if you upload a picture of yourself, it can be helpful to be specific in the description. "Joan-of-Arc-riding-a-horse.jpg" or "LadyJoan-September-Crown-2023.gif" are better than just "Joan.png".

You can also add a detailed description of the image in the Summary text box, and you will want to select the Licensing (copyright or permitted use) from the drop down menu. You can search the web for the spcifics of the licenses, but their summaries in the drop down menu should give you the general idea.

Once you are satisfied withe the name and other attributes, hit the Upload File button. Assuming there are no issues, you should end up on the File page for your image, which will show the name of the image, it's history and use, and so on. Now it's uploaded to the wiki and ready for use.

Note that you can shortcut this whole process when editing by clicking on the Images and Media button (near the text formatting and web link buttons). This will not only allow you to link to an existing file by filename, but it contains an Upload button to upload the image on the spot. Images and Media button