Máenach na Cailled

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Máenach na Cailled
Resides: Dragon's Laire
Date Started: July of AS XLIX (2014)
Awards: Order of Precedence
Offices: Webminister of Dragon's Laire

(device in progress)


Quick pronunciation: MAY-nock nuh KAL-led

Máenach na Cailled is a name of Irish Gaelic origin. I generally pronounce Máenach like MAY-nock though pronouncing the "ch" like Scottish loch would be more correct. I pronounce Cailled like KAL-led.

The name Máenach is well documented as a name, such as here, though I have not found strong documentation on its meaning. Based on what documentation I have found, I choose to believe that it is associated with silence and serenity, and may be related to "monk" in its etymological roots. The suffix "na Cailled" means "of the wood" -- this is well documented, including here. With a little poetic license, I take the name as a whole to mean something like "quiet guy who lives in the woods."

Persona Background

This persona is from Ireland, in the early portions of the SCA period. As I refine this persona I plan to aim as early as I can document.

SCA Interests & Activities

I joined the Society after June Faire 2014 and the Dragon's Laire Newcomer's night following the event. Archery was my primary interest initially, but soon I found myself associating with the Dragon's Laire Culinary and Scribal Guilds as well. My participation in archery activities lapsed after an injury but I hope to get back to it.

As part of the Culinary Guild I usually help set up and present a demonstration at June Faire, a large public demo event put on by Dragon's Laire. I especially enjoy demonstrating the preparation of almond milk, which tends to fascinate attendees of all ages. One of the best qualities of the almond milk demo is that it allows anyone, including modern children, to participate in the process. A hands-on experience tends to brighten the day of almost any visitor!

As Webminister of Dragon's Laire I migrated the Barony's website onto the new antir.org servers and helped the Barony's officers get set up with Office 365 as An Tir introduced these new systems.

I also like to assist wherever I can, especially with event setup and teardown, loading and unloading vehicles, setting up tents and pavilions, etc.

SCA Awards & Positions

See also my entry on the An Tir Order of Precedence.

  • Webminister of Dragon's Laire: July, AS LI (2017) to present
  • Snapdragon, awarded by Conchobar MacEoin and Eilidh Keldeleth at Dragon's Laire Candlemas, AS LIII (February 2019)
  • Bumblebee, awarded by Conchobar MacEoin and Eilidh Keldeleth at Dragon's Laire Yule Feast, AS LII (December 2017)
  • Award of Arms, awarded by Savaric Coeur-de-Lion and Dalla in Fagra at June Faire, AS L (June 2015)