Edward the stuffy
Edward the Stuffy
Edward joined the SCA in July 1976 in the Kingdom of the West. His first event was West's July Coronation and he also attended Ducal War that summer. Upon arrival in the Barony of Madrone in the Winter of AS 10 (1977) he entered into service, taking over as Red Tree Pursuivant from either Seamus Piecemaker (now known as Thorin) or from Catherine Winifred of Tor Bitterroot, I forget which. He is also an orginal member of the Madrone Culinary Guild - although he did not attend the founding meeting of the Guild, he has attended nearly every meeting since that time, and served as teamster, equipment organizer, and kitchen helper. Edward currently holds the position of Pamphlet Coordinator for the Guild and sets up a table at events to offer the Guild's "Feudal Gourmet" series of pamphlets for purchase; funds from pamphlet sales supports the Guild's equipment expenses. He responds to online requests for pamphlets as well, and has provided inventory so that the Guild's pamphlets could be available at Pennsic War through a vendor there. He has served as the noble hall steward at numerous Guild banquets including at least 15 Madrone Baronial Banquets. He as been autocrat of the Madrone Peasant's Revel numerous times.
Edward wears the clothing of a 12th century Englishman, however his persona is that of an An Tirian administrator and counselor. He served as Madrone's herald and as seneschal. He went on to serve for three years as as the second Kingdom Seneschal, and as counselor to Duchess Lao during her reigns. He served as a senior field marshall for more than 10 years, often as Marshall in Charge of a Crown list. He decided not to take up SCA heavy combat, but ask him to tell the story of the time he landed a killing sword-blow to the side of Duke Torgul's head.
Edward was Committee Chair of the committee that made An Tir a kingdom in AS XVI to XVIII (1980 to 1982). He coordinated the work of sub-committees that wrote the first Kingdom laws, created awards and ceremonies and fulfilled all the requirements of Corpora so that the first Crown Tourney for the Kingdom of An Tir could be held in early September 1981 in the Barony of Lions Gate. At that event, Edward was elevated to the Order of the Pelican for his service by the King of the West and fellow An Tirian, Steingrim Stallari.
Master Edward proudly attended the Twelfth Night where An Tir was made a Kingdom by decree of the Board of Directors January 16, AS XVIII (1982) in his home Barony of Madrone.
Master Edward was created a Court Baron in the early days of the Kingdom. He is married to Mu'allima Rowenna de Manning (OL, OP, Lion) who was created a Court Baroness with him, by King Thorin and Queen Angharad.
Master Edward attended the SCA 20th anniversary in Ansteorra. At the 10-day event for the SCA 30th Anniversary in An Tir (known as 3YC), he served as the deputy event steward (known as autocrat in those days), working with Master Jean-Louis de Chambertin. He celebrated 40 years in the SCA by attending the SCA's 50th Year Celebration in the Middle Kingdom in June of AS L (2016).
Master Edward is known as a wise counselor and at the time of this writing he is the senior active member of the An Tir Order of the Pelican. He is the #2 rank active Lion of An Tir and is the polling secretary for that group.
At September Crown, AS LIII (2018) Master Edward was awarded the Honor of the Lion's Strength by King Christian and Queen Helene for his wise counsel and more than 20 years of unbroken service to An Tir.