Morgan of Aberystwyth

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Sir Morgan of Aberstywyth
Picture used with the kind permission of D. Loney
Resides: Thornwold
Date Started: July 22, AS 10
OP Entry: [1]

Gules, a wivern reversed grasping in its sinister member a sword between five caltraps two, two, and one Or.

Gules, a caltrap Or
This picture taken at An-Tir Crown Tournament, May 1984

Before there was dirt, my first event was a Lions Gate Demo in Cates Park, North Vancouver, 22 July, 1975. A sunny day, under a large shade tree was a fine fellow (Bjorn of Havoc) who saw me looking at one of three ancient helms loaned to the barony from kind folk in the West. after inviting me to try on one of the helms, Bjorn asked if I wanted to try fighting. After replying in the positive, I was allowed to rummage though a pile of old lacrosse and hockey pads finding enough to cover most of me and the rest is history. I became one of the first group of Seargents of Lions Gate in July, 78. In July, 1979 (while An-Tir was still a principality), I was knighted by the hand of the King of the West, Steingrim Stellari at afternoon court during the event that has turned into the An-Tir/West War. I was approached after pickup fights after the main fighting scenarios by a group of knights lead by his Excellency Sir Edward Zifran, I was invited to become a knight and after accepting was given 15 minutes to wash up before the ceremony at court. My First Helm was commissioned from Master Manfred Keigstrieber of the Barony of Three Mountains. I wore this helm before chinstraps were used, using blocks of open cell foam wedged between my cheekbones and the inside front of the helm. I received my first helm at 12th Night in AS X (Jan, 76). My Second Helm was commissioned from Sir Geoffry de Rennes of Lions Gate. I received it during 81. I never was a squire, but I credit Sir Edward Zifron as a generous mentor, who taught me, among other things, to pronounce An-Tir as AWN TEER not Ant Here at the first Lions Gate baronial banquet in AS XI. :) As of this date (AS 54), I have one 7th generation grand squire, Master Alen Bendbow of the Shire of Sigelihundas in Avacal. I was Lions Gates Champion of Combat in AS XI. I was the first herald of the Barony of Lions Gate and named the position of Sable Loat Pursuivant after the mythical animal (of Warner Loat Park fame) made famous by my friend and first Baron of Lions Gate, Sir Gerhard Kendal. I have as a registered badge, Gules a rampant baby sea-loat Or. I am the only person to use a loat in the sca. I was Black Lion Herald of the principality of An-Tir in AS XIII. I created and named the Dexter Gauntlet Pursuivant during my tenure, because, at the time, Baron, Sir Theodulf of Borogrove, of the Barony of Madrone was...wait for Right Hand person (he was very helpful!)...... I fought at War and Tournament from 75 to 94. I fought as both a rattan fighter and as one of the first wave of combat archers. During my early years, I contributed much art for various paper printed newsletters including the Northwind (Lions Gate) and the Crier (An-Tir). From April 2016 to July 2018 I designed a few of and painted 103 charters and scrolls for An-Tir, Tir-Righ, Lions Gate, Aquaterra, Wyewood and Thornwold. My Lions Gate 'dog meat' number is 8. My early times were spent in the Barony of Lions Gate. The last few years I have been retired to my estate in the Shire of Thornwold. I sit at the window of my tallest tower looking out over the east toward Avacal. My advice for the squire...uphold your Honor on and off the field, have Courage to do that which is needed, show Mercy to those in need. Three Cheers for An-Tir and the Dream. Morgan

Known Associates (courtesy of D. Loney) is a picture of me heralding an early, early Lions Gate court at the UBC Open House Demo and Tournament March, 76."

Greate Book of Fighters

Temporary link <[2]>


Branch Pursuivant Sept 7, AS X

Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Aug 15, XI

Award of Arms Sept 11, AS XI

Pernicious Lily - Nov 1, XI

Black Lion Herald - Mar 1, XI - July 1, XIII

Sergeant (Lions Gate) - July 29, XIII

Olde Shattered Shield - Sept 30, XIII

Knight - July 1, XIV

Olde Battered Helm - June 22, XV

Leaf of Merit - July 12, XVI

Lion's Claw - Nov 9, XX

Magistrae Ithra - Oct 18, XXI

Goutte de Sang - Aug 5, XXIX

Etoile d'Argent - Jun 11, LI

Heron's Quill Dec 3, LI

Jambe de Lion Jun 3, LII

Plate - Jun 10, LII

Sable Scrivener - Nov 18 LII

Hafoc - May 5, LIII

Princess' Talon of Favor - Aug 25, LIII

Acacia - Dec 9, LIII