Good Yule XLVII/2012

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December 01, XLVII/2012
Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA)
Foo Bar
Savior Hall Lutheran Church, 12810 35th Ave SE in Everett
Annual Event
Good Yule
(briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
(highlights as mentioned in event copy)
Sample: Queen's Rapier Champion Tournament on Sunday
Sample: Costumer's Guild Contest: Full Court Garb

Site Copy

Set in 10th Century Byzantium, experience entertainment and education on how the vikings changed from being raiders of a far off land, to the elite varangian guard of the Byzantine emperors.

This is a story which included a little violence, a little bribery, and no shortage of excellent food and entertainment!

Dec 1st, 2012 - Noon to 10 PM. Savior Hall Lutheran Church, 12810 35th Ave SE in Everett.

Event Highlights

What happened in court.


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood