Kingdom Feast and Bardic Celebration L/2015
- Date
- November 06 to 08, L/2015
- Branch
- An Tir
- Autocrat
- Renart le Fox de Berwick
- Site
- Ocean Shores Convention Center, Ocean Shores, WA
- Weather
- (briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
- Activities
- Six course feast all day Saturday - Italian themed
- Bardic performances all weekend
- Arts and Sciences display
- Masked Ball Friday evening
- Heavy Armored Tournament Saturday
- Rapier Tournament Saturday
Event Highlights
What happened in court.
(Links to event pictures off-site)
Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace
Personal Memories
(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)
Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood