Brigitta Riegers
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![]() Frau Brigitta Riegers von Wolfratshausen | ||||||||||||
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Frau Brigitta Riegers is mundanely known as Tami Hawes. She has been an active member of the Society since 2009 in her shire and now Barony of Dragon's Mist.
Name: Frau Brigitta Riegers von Wolfratshausen
Origin: Giesen, Prince-Bishopric of Hildesheim
Location: Wolfratshausen, Bavaria
Current Year:1560
Current Occupation: Wife to the woodworker Ignatius Rieger and fiber worker
- Head of House for House of the Golden Bee
Fill in history: Brigitta is the oldest daughter of a wool merchant in Giesen. Her father indulged her a bit an allowed her to learn how to spin and knit. Being raised in a Catholic household the nuns helped her with her curiousity.
- Gate for Shire of Dragon's Mist Defender's Tourney
- Gate for Acorn War XXI
- Gate for Shire of Dragon's Mist Defender's Tourney
- Teacher for knitting and drop spindling at Acorn War
- Taught drop spindling at Boar's Head Hunt and Feast
- Server at Carnivale di Venezia
- 12th Night Workshop, beading for banners
- Spinning demo at Faire in the Grove
- Gate for June Faire XXX
- Merchant-ocrat for Barony of Dragon's Mist Champions Tourney
- Gate for Barony of Dragon's Mist Champions Tourney
- Teacher for drop spindling at Barony of Dragon's Mist Champions Tourney
- Gate for July Coronation
- Water bearer for White Scarves/Rapier Champions Tourney and Squires Tournament as well as Torchlight Tourney at July Coronation
- Teacher for drop spindling at Acorn War
- Judge for yarn at Three Mountains Honor Feast and A&S Championship
- Feast Steward for Juletide Barony of Dragon's Mist
- Largess contributor
- Largess coordinator for Baroness Svava
- Spinning demo at Faire in the Grove
- Gate for Sport of Kings
- Field Marshall for Torchlight Tourney Sport of Kings
- Field Marshall for Grand Champion Competition
- Charter painting for September Crown
- Event Steward for Dragon's Mist Champions Tourney and Boar's Head Hunt
- Feast Steward for Dragon's Mist and Three Mountains Yule Feast
- Minister of Arts and Science for Dragon's Mist
- Photographer for Cub Scout demo the Barony provided
- Organized and conducted Championship for Arts and Science Champion for Dragon's Mist
- Support for Baroness Jill's entry at Kingdom Arts & Science Competition
- Largess coordinator for Baroness Svava
- Demo coordinator for Forest Grove Charter school and spinning/fiber demo
- Arts and Science demo coordinator for Faire in the Grove
- Server for High Table at Grand Thing potluck feast and court
- Helped and participated with demo at Stoller Middle School
- Charter painting for Boar's Head Awards
- Coordinated and enlisted teacher's for Boar's Head Championship
- Organized largesse donation for Barony at July Coronation to go towards Pennsic
- Barony of Dragon's Mist liaison for tri-barony Yule event, also cooked roast for barony and delivered it and chicken to the event.
- Charter painting for Arts Gathering Awards
- Became Revels Coordinator for the Barony, October
- Event Steward November Arts & Science Day for Dragon's Mist
- Stepped down as Revels Coordinator for the Barony, December due to changes in Customary
- Minister of Arts & Science for Dragon's Mist
- Ran Festive Four Largesse Derby for Tri-barony Yule event
Arts & Sciences
Spinning and Knitting, learning embroidery
Medieval and Renaissance cooking (beginning)
Costuming (emphasis on 16th century German)
Awards and Recognition
- Award of Arms: 2011 at Boar's Head Hunt and Feast
- Ring Giver: 2012 at Boar's Head Hunt and Feast, Baronial award for largess
- Winner of the Half Dozen Largess competition at Juletide 2012, Barony of Dragon's Mist
- Baroness' Favor: 2013 Dragon's Mist Champions Tourney and Boar's Head Hunt, Barony of Dragon's Mist
- Heart of Dragon's Mist: 2014 Arts Gathering, Barony of Dragon's Mist
SCA Event History

- Faire in the Grove, April
- Grand Thing V, May
- Shire of Dragon's Mist Defender's Tournament, June
- An Tir - West War, July
- Acorn War XXI, August
- Carnevale di Venezia, March
- Faire in the Grove, April
- An Tir - West War, July
- Shire of Dragon's Mist Defender's Tournament, July
- Sport of Kings, August
- Acorn War XXII, August
- Boar's Head Hunt and Feast, September
- Bardic Symposium, November
- Barony of Three Mountains Yule, December
- Barony of Dragon's Mist Yule, December
- Ursulmas, January
- Embellisher's Grand Academia, February
- Carnivale di Venezia III, March
- Irish Spring Feast Shire of River's Bend, April
- Faire in the Grove, May
- Grand Thing VII, May
- June Faire, June
- An Tir - West War, July
- Barony of Dragon's Mist Champions Tournament, July
- July Coronation, July
- Acorn War XXIII, August
- Terra Pomaria Ithra, August
- Boar's Head Hunt and Feast, September
- St. Crispins, October
- Barony of Three Mountains Honor Feast, October
- Barony of Three Mountains Yule, December
- Barony of Dragon's Mist Yule, December
- 12th Night Coronation, AS XLVII, January
- Carnivale di Venezia, IV, February
- Founding Revel, Barony of Stromgard, February
- Welcoming Court, Barony of Three Mountains, March
- Faire in the Grove, Barony of Dragon's Mist, May
- Grand Thing VIII, Barony of Stromgard, May
- Acorn War XXIV, Shire of Mountains Edge, June
- An Tir/West War, July
- Sport of Kings VII, Barony of Three Mountains, August
- September Crown, September
- Autumn War, Barony of Blatha an Oir, September
- Boar's Head Hunt & Dragon's Mist Champions Tourney, September
- Honor Feast, Barony of Three Mountains, October
- Cultural Accademia, Canton of Kaldor Ness, October
- Yule Feast, Barony of Three Mountains/Barony of Dragon's Mist, December
- 12th Night, Barony of Wyewood, January
- Carnevale, Barony of Dragons' Mist, February
- Kingdom Arts & Science, February
- Faire in the Grove, May
- Grand Thing IX, Barony of Stromgard, May
- Boar's Head Championship Tourney, Barony of Dragon's Mist, June
- July Coronation, July
- A Game of Thrones and Stormgods, Barony of Stromgard, July
- Acorn War XXV, Shire of Mountain Edge, September
- Arts Gathering, Barony of Dragon's Mist, September
- Honour Feast, Barony of Three Mountains, October
- Harvest Faire, Demo for the Shire of Hauksgard, October
- Tri-Barony Yule Feast (Yulenage a' Trois), December
- Founding Revel, Barony of Stromgard, February
- Carnevale, Barony of Dragon's Mist, March
- Faire in the Grove, Barony of Dragon's Mist, May
- May Crowne, Shire of Hauksgard, May
- Grand Thing X, Barony of Stromgard, May
- An Tir - West War, July
- Sport of Kings, Barony of Three Mountains, August