Ariel de Courteney
A member of the Order of the Laurel, Mistress Ariel was recognized with a laurel for Elizabethian costuming and bardic performance. She is known for founding the Inspirational Equality movement along with Maestro Eduardo advocating for the right of same-gender couples to fight in Crown Lists. Inspirational Equality maintains a facebook group: [1]
Ariel petitioned Their Majesties Thorin and Dagmaer to fighter for her partner Lady Sarah Martin, at September Crown, A.S. XLV. Their Majesties welcomed the petition to bring attention to the exclusion of same-gender couples from Crown Lists, but turned the couple away as required by Corpora. Ariel's partner, Lady Sarah Martin, holds the title Defender of the West for medical services rendered.
Ariel is squired to Lady Bolverk of Momchilovich who also petitioned to fight for a same-gender inspiration at September Crown, A.S. XLV.
Ariel has two children with Sir Martin le Harpur, and they remain good friends though they are no longer a couple.