Her Excellency The Baroness Of Seagirt's Own Grenadiers

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Previously to AS 36, the winner of the Daffodil rapier tourney was referred to variously as Seagirt's Rapier Defender, Seagirt's Fencing Champion, and as The Daffodil Defender's Swashbuckling Side-kick.

The tournament in AS 35 was fought as a Machiavelli-style warlord tourney. A regular warlord (or snowball) tourney was fought bringing the fighters together in larger and larger teams until half of the field faced the other half of the field. This was the semi-final. This final battle was fought to determine which team's members would be fight in the final. The final was a melee; the last person standing was declared the victor.

After winning the tournament in AS 35, Mathieu Thibaud Chaudeau de Montblanc consulted with the Baroness of Seagirt to find a more suitable title for future vitorious rapier combatants. Her Excellency granted commission to the rapier fighters of Seagirt as Her Own Grenadiers. In future, the victor (of which the format is variable) was to be styled as Captain of Her Excellency The Baroness Of Seagirt's Own Grenadiers. The Captain bears the responsibility to muster the Grenadier's for Sealion War and lead them into the rapier war point battle. This is as the Daffodil Defender bears responsibility for the armoured combatants and has done so since antiquity.

A list of past Captains may be found here. Captains of Her Excellency The Baroness of Seagirt's Own Grenadiers

In AS 37, Don Iain Archibald Guthrie won the tournament and gifted a cape depicting the orca of Seagirt's arms amid a semi of grenades as regalia. It as been worn proudly by all of Her Excellency's Captains since that time.

At the beginning of AS 47, Baroness Janet Kempe presented the Grenadier's with a painted silk standard bearing the motto the grenadiers "QUOD TEMPUS EST PORTTITOR" (meaning "What time is the ferry?"). The standard was solemnly commissioned by Her Excellency Mogg, Baroness of Seagirt, in a ceremony at a Seagirt combat practice. (By solemnly, the writer means to say, "by running up and down the field madly waving the standard and gleefully giggling")

The Grenadiers proudly carried their new standard in battle for the first time at Sealion War XLVII/2012.