Brigitta Riegers
Lady Brigitta Riegers is mundanely known as Tami Hawes. She has been an active member of the Society since 2009 in her shire and now Barony of Dragon's Mist.
Name: Lady Brigitta Riegers von Wolfratshausen
Origin: Giesen, Hanover
Location: Wolfratshausen, Bavaria
Current Year:
Current Occupation: Trader's wife[1] and spinner
Fill in history soonish
- Gate for Shire of Dragon's Mist Defender's Tourney
- Gate for Acorn War XXI
- Gate for Shire of Dragon's Mist Defender's Tourney
- Teacher for knitting and drop spindling at Acorn War (unfortunately, there were no students and it was bloody hot!!!)
- Taught drop spindling at Boar's Head Hunt and Feast
- Donations for largess - handspun yarns
Arts & Sciences
Spinning and Knitting
Medieval and Renaissance cooking (beginning)
Costuming (emphasis on 16th century)
Awards and Recognition
Award of Arms: 2011 at Boar's Head Hunt
SCA Event History
- Faire in the Grove, April
- Grand Thing V, May
- Shire of Dragon's Mist Defender's Tournament, June
- An Tir - West War, July
- Acorn War XXI, August
- Carnevale di Venezia XLV, March
- Faire in the Grove, April
- An Tir - West War, July
- Shire of Dragon's Mist Defender's Tournament, July
- Sport of Kings, August
- Acorn War XXII, August
- Boar's Head Hunt and Feast, September
- Bardic Symposium, November
- Barony of Three Mountains Yule, December
- Barony of Dragon's Mist Yule, December
- Ursulmas, January
- Embellisher's Grand Academia, February
- Winter's End Barony of Terra Pomeria, February (possibly)
- Carnivale di Venezia]XLVI, March
- Shire of Mountain's Edge Defender's Tournament, April (possibly)
- Irish Spring Feast Shire of River's Bend, April (very strong possibility!)
- Faire in the Grove, May
- May Faire, May (strong possibility)
- Grand Thing VII, May
- June Faire, June
- Honey War, June (possibility)
- An Tir - West War, July
- Barony of Dragon's Mist Champions Tournament, July
- July Coronation, July
- Trygvy's War IV, August
- Acorn War XXIII, August
- Boar's Head Hunt and Feast, September
- Barony of Three Mountains Yule, December
- Barony of Dragon's Mist Yule, December
- 12th Night Coronation, AS XLVII, January