July Coronation XLI/2006

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Revision as of 19:49, 17 July 2006 by Braidwood (talk | contribs) (formatted page and added my memories of the event)
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The Coronation of Amalric Blackhart and Caia Snowden, the Heirs to the Mighty King Sven and the Beautiful Queen Signy as They take Their rightful places upon the Sable Throne of An Tir.

14-16 July XLI/2006
Dragon's Laire (Kitsap & N Mason Counties, WA)
Arontius of Bygelswade
Name: 1 View Way, Port Gamble, Wa.
Clear and sunny, very warm during the day, cool in the evenings. Pleasant breezes from the water.

External Link

Event Highlights

Time Activity (Place)
Noon Gate opens
Time Activity (Place)
1:00 a.m. Gate closes
7:00 a.m. Gate opens
8:00 a.m. Laurel Meeting (Royal Pavilion)
Squires Tourney Lists open (Eric)
9:00 a.m. Chivalry Meeting (Royal Pavilion)
OGGS Meeting (Archery Range)
Black Lion Herald's Meeting Herald's Point
Costumers Guild Meeting Costumers Guild Pavilion
Arachne's Web Meeting Arachne's Web Pavilion
Rapier Tourney Lists open Eric
Lampworking (Glass Beadmaking) Safety Class
(Beadmaking times to follow) A & S Courtyard
Thrown Weapons Range opens Thrown Weapons Range
TBA Embroiderers and Embellishers Guild (Immediately following the Costumers Guild Meeting) Costumers Guild Pavilion
9:30 a.m. Artisans/Apprentice Morning Tea & Display A & S Courtyard
Squires Tourney Introductions Eric
10:00 a.m. Pelican Meeting Royal Pavilion
Squires Tourney Eric
Raper Cadet/Open Style Tourney Eric
Youth Combat Tourney Eric
Darts Range opens Thrown Weapons range
Backlog Scroll Contest begins A & S Courtyard
A & S Display A & S Courtyard
10:30 a.m. Artisans/Apprentice Morning Tea & Display continued A & S Courtyard
A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
Thrown Weapons Marshalling Class Thrown Weapons Range
11:00 a.m. Artisans/Apprentice Morning Tea & Display continued A & S Courtyard
Costumer's Guild Tourney Garb Contest A & S Courtyard
Pied Piper Activities begin Pied Piper Pavilion
A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
11:30 a.m. Artisans/Apprentice Morning Tea & Display continued A & S Courtyard
Games Meeting Games Pavilion
Pied Piper Activities continued Pied Piper Pavilion
A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
Noon Final Court of TRM Sven and Signy Royal Pavilion
Pied Piper Activities continued Pied Piper Pavilion
A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
College of Pages (Ages 12 to 17 only) Kingdom Page Pavilion
12:30 p.m. Final Court of TRM Sven and Signy continued Royal Pavilion
A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
College of Pages continued Kingdom Page Pavilion
Pied Piper Activities continued Pied Piper Pavilion
1:00 p.m. Final Court of TRM Sven and Signy continued Royal Pavilion
Arts & Sciences Guild Display A & S Courtyard
Guild Administrator's Meeting A & S Courtyard
A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
College of Pages continued Kingdom Page Pavilion
Pied Piper Activities continued Pied Piper Pavilion
1:30 p.m. Final Court of TRM Sven and Signy continued Royal Pavilion
Arts & Sciences Guild Display continued A & S Courtyard
A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
College of Pages continued Kingdom Page Pavilion
Pied Piper Activities continued Pied Piper Pavilion
2:00 p.m. Coronation of TRH Amalric and Caia (no other scheduled activities to take place from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., as per the wish of The Crown) Royal Pavilion
4:00 p.m.
TBA Lampworker's Guild Meeting A & S Courtyard
TBA Teen Social and Dance (One hour after TRM Amalric and Caia's Coronation, Ages 12 to 17 only) Main Eric at the Kingdom Page Paviion
TBA Tribute to Master Julian Dragon's Laire Baronial Pavilion
Time Activity Place
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m. Financial Meeting Royal Pavilion
Curia Royal Pavilion
9:00 a.m. Lampworking (Glass Beadmaking) Safety Class (Beadmaking times to follow) A & S Courtyard
Scribes Meeting Scribal Pavilion
Kingdom Champion's Tourney Lists open Eric
Thrown Weapons Range opens Thrown Weapons Range
TBA Rapier Lists open Eric
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. Noble Estate Royal Pavilion
Seneshal Meeting Kingdom Seneshal's Pavilion
A & S Display A & S Courtyard
Darts Range opens Thrown Weapons Range
Spinners Guild Meeting A & S Courtyard
Herbal Guild Meeting A & S Courtyard
Arrow Building Basics Archery Range
10:30 a.m. A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
Kingdom Champion's Tourney Lists close Eric
11:00 a.m. A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
Missile Guild Meeting Archery Range
College of Pages (Ages 12 to 17 only) Kingdom Pages Pavilion
Kingdom Champion's Tourney Eric
TBA Rapier Token Double-Elimination Tourney Eric
11:30 a.m. Hunt Guild Meeting A & S Courtyard
A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
College of Pages continued Kingdom Pages Pavilion
Noon Backlog Scroll Contest ends
A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
College of Pages continued Kingdom Page Pavilion
12:30 p.m. A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
1:00 p.m. A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
College of Pages ends Kingdom Page Pavilion
1:30 p.m. A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
2:00 p.m. A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
2:30 p.m. A & S Display continued A & S Courtyard
3:00 p.m. A & S Display ends A & S Courtyard
TBA Court of TRM Amalric and Caia
(following the Kingdom's Champion Tourney) Royal Pavilion


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Great weather, warm but site had nice grassy tree-shade. Many merchants -- located across the highway! Although we had crossing guards (thank-you), the highway was an unwelcome reminder of the modern world every time we had to cross.

I very much liked the layout of the activity "courts" around the eric.

Where did that fabbo "royal pavilion" come from? It was beautiful. I must say Their (new) Majesties are very attractively royal-looking. She's tall and slender with long blond hair and a kind and wise face. He's also got long hair and a noble salt-and-pepper beard and smiles a lot. Their simple linen 15th coronation clothes were marvellous. Her hem puddled around her feet just like in the medieval manuscripts. I found myself counting all the buttons on their sleeves while I was up swearing fealty. (Bad Peer.)

If you didn't have to get up for any particular reason, I'll bet the heraldic wake-up calls were right annoying. Especially the one with the whistle.

Their Majesties have two young sons, Griffin and Phoenix; about 5 and 7 years old. They were invested as Princes Royal during the Coronation Ceremony. It started off with a procession of a "guard" of youngsters, clad in simple armour, mail, and chaperon hoods. They marched into Court in a double file, in order of size, tallest at the front. At a word, they stopped in front of the thrones and (very smartly) turned to face each other. When the young princes were called forward, the junior guard formed an arched tunnel with their boffer swords for the Princes to walk through. It was dead charming. The Princes Royal were invested with "...all of the rights and none of the responsibilities" of being royal.

Yurt Girled with Isolde and Godytha. Ate at Sushi Sam's -- twice! Finally met Sylverstone in person. Bought some wool and orangy-red linen fabric at Pastiche. Got to schmooze with friends I don't get to see very often. Wore my new red Flemish kirtle for the first time. (On Sunday I was wearing it inside out because it was dark in the yurt when I put it on!)

Ferry lineup was fairly long on the way home, but mostly in the shade.

--Elizabeth Braidwood 15:49, 17 Jul 2006 (EDT)