Johann Matheusson

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Honorable Lord Johann

Johann Matheusson is a member of the Order of the Goutte de Sang, squire to Sir Garan Steingrimson, and is a resident of the Barony of Glymm Mere.

His man-at-arms is Hallbjorn Brandson.


Per pale and per chevron Or and vert, on a chevron sable between three martlets contourny, one and two, and two axes crossed in saltire counterchanged a mullet Or.

Awards Received

  • Crystal of Glymm Mere (Glymm Mere) June 18 AS 40 / 2005
  • Award of Arms Dec 17 AS 40 / 2005
  • Heavy Champion (Rath an Oir) July 4 AS 43 / 2008 through July 4 AS 44 / 2009
  • Goutte de Sang