Order of the Rose Petal

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Barony of Montengarde: Given in recognition of skill and accomplishment in the Arts and Sciences.

The Rose Petal is the Arts and Science award for the Barony of Montengarde. Awarded by the Baron and Baroness to those whose creative work in Montengarde has brought renown to the Barony and furthered A&S among the populace. Members of the Populace and members of the Order nominate new people to join the order.


As the sum of the individual petals make up the whole of the Rose so too do the achievements of those who practice the various Arts and Sciences in creating the weave of the tapestry that is our Barony. In recognition of their skill and accomplishments, Thorwulf and Sapphira Baron and Baroness of Montengarde, created in the seventeenth year of the Minotaur the Baronial Order of the Rose Petal to recognize excellence in the Arts and Sciences.

During the Reign of Malabar and Hero, 7th Baron and Baroness of Montengarde, they began calling the order forward to see the range of gentles who have been inducted into this order. Also for new members to see how many have gained this honour.

Members of the Order

Katelijne van der Ast - 2010
Iain Archibald Guthrie - 2010
Adelheid Holtzfallerin - 2009
Aldreeada of the Lakes - 2002
Althea Tambourri - 2003
Annora Illaria Boyer
Argento Brunkell - 2005
Bjar the Blue
Blind Annie - 2010
Brjanna Lovisdottir of Axe Water - 2007
Caterina Etc. - 2003
Cattea the Studious - 1997
Christine the Good - 2002
Dalton Arundel - 2008
Dauphina Dellago
Dyrfinna - 2002
Eldric the Insane - 2007
Findabhair na Noinini - 2008
Gemma Delaroche - 2010
Hero the Responsible - 2003 & 2007
Ilia 25-Jan-1997
Jajiradai Batu - 2009
Li Xia
Lyonnette Lamoureux - 2001
Madaeline De Rouns - 2002
Marie Buann Ma Craig
Michael O’Byrne - 2000
Malabar Membro Spaccata
Margeretta Vandenvelde -2003
Marie De Monte - 2008
Mordecai Salzer
Morgan the Unknown - 2007
Morrigan Clubfoot - 2003
Myrrhineh Chey de Roma - 2007
Mywfanwy - 1997
Nakita Kurina Petrov - 1999
Nan Compton - 2003
Odette the Swan - 2007
Peregrine - 2003
Rashid Al Hassan-Guy of Aldernay
Steinn Vikingsson
Taya the Wanderer - 2007
Tchaatz Purnell the Everwandering - 2003
Thorvald Grimsson - 2002
Varrus Lupus - 2002
Whistler MacEwan - 2003
William Bennet - 2003
Wulfwyn - 2007
Michael O'Byrne 1998