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(Okanagan Valley, BC) Located in the Principality of Tir Righ.
The Shire of Appledore was founded in September of A.S. XV, when the first Appledore Open Tourney was held. Its petition for recognition was received by Their Magesties of the West, Frederick and Nicorlyn at Twelfth Night of A.S.XV in Lions Gate, where the Shire's roots lie.
Royals visiting Appledore are entitled to receive a tribute of a red apple and a golden one. This compact was entered into with the Monarchs of the West; Steingrim and Lenora, on their visit in A.S. XVI.
The laws of Appledore are few and far between. Not only are puns not proscribed, they are prescribed as a prerequsite for the prerequsites of high office in Appledore. There is, however, a mundanity tax, also known as the "none-such-name" tax, of one copper levied for each occasion on which someone is called by a mundane rather than a personna name at an event. Appledore is a Dragon Preserve with hunting forbidden, in deference to a former resident, Zoran Dolmar of Dragonhead.
Appledore seeks a well rounded Champion, one who scores highest in a series of competitions, including but not limited to; Archery; Armoured Combat; Arts; Bardic; Rapier Combat, and; Sciences.
- Current and Past Champions
- Molly Modine, AS XLI
- Lord Oric of the Black Forest, AS XL
- Sevrin Lord de Savage, AS XXXIX
- HL Bruz of the Black Hand, AS XXXIIX
Current Officers
- Arts & Sciences Minister - Lady Kendra
- Chatelaine - Duncan Ross
- Deputy Chatelaine - Sayyida Habibi
- Chief Constable - Lord William Ramshead
- Chronicler - Honourable Lady Keinna de Savage
- Recording Scribe - Honourable Lady Olwen Pen Aur
- Web Ministers - Honourable Lady Olwen Pen Aur & Lady Glynne-Rose of Wyndhaven
- Dean of Pages - Sayyid 'Abd al-Hakim al-Bahr ibn Da'ud al-Ghazis
- Exchequer - Lady Glynne-Rose of Wyndhaven
- NSCA Representative - Lady Glynne-Rose of Wyndhaven
- Herald - Molly Modine
- Knight Marshal - Sayyid 'Abd al-Hakim al-Bahr ibn Da'ud al-Ghazi
- List Keeper - Lady Isobel MacAlpine
- Seneschal - Sevrin Lord de Savage
- Deputy Seneschal - Honourable Lady Olwen Pen Aur
Major Events
- Early Britain Ithra
- Golden Swan Tournament - October
- Scholars of St. Thomas Aquinas - Spring