Gregorio Cristovalez de la Vega

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Maestro Gregorio Cristovalez de la Vega


Or, five crosses of Santiago in saltire within an orle of ivy gules.


Gregorio was born near Santiago de Compostella around the year 1567. He spent his early years in Galicia before travelling first to Sanlucar de Barameda to further his studies in swordplay and then to Seville where, with the help of a modest inheritance he was able to purchase a tailor's shop catering to the more fashon conscious of the city. Gregorio now spends most of his time on diplomatic duties in the Spanish Netherlands.

SCA Accomplishments:

Kingdom Awards: Received his Laurel from Sven and Signy at May Crown AS 42, he was formerly an Apprentice to Maestro Hans Dürrmast von der Wanderlust.

Received his White Scarf from Skapti and Asa at July Coronation in AS 39, he was formerly a Cadet to Maestro Hans Dürrmast von der Wanderlust.

Received his Jambe de Leon from Skapti and Asa at Festival of Lights in AS 38

Received his Award of Arms in AS 36

Other Awards and Accomplishments:


Order of the Crystal Rainbow - June 14, 2008 (AS 43)

Ordo Aegis Honoris - November 3, 2007 (AS 42)

Order of the Mountain Sun - April 9, 2005 (AS 39)


Barony of Three Mountains Rapier Champion - June 2008-June 2009 (AS 43)

Barony of Three Mountains Rapier Champion - June 2007-June 2008 (AS 42)

Barony of Three Mountains Rapier Champion from May 2004-June 2005 (AS 39)

Barony of Three Mountains Rapier Champion from May 2003-May 2004 (AS 38)

Barony of Stromgard Rapier Champion from June 2002-June 2003 (AS 37)

Barony of Three Mountains Rapier Champion from May 2001-May 2002 (AS 36)


Gallant of Three Mountains April, 2001- July, 2004

Gregorio Currently holds the rank of Journeyman in the West Kingdom Royal Guild of Defense

Gregorio is a senior member of House Aeuganie

Apprentices (Henchmen):

Monseigneur Chrestien de Valois

Cadets (Minions):

Lady Aelfswyth de Gyldenfeax

Lady Selvaggia Tomassi

(former Cadet) Monseigneur Chrestien de Valois

Areas of Interest:

Historic Combat:

-- Gerard Thibault d'Anvers

-- Dutch Rapier

-- Spanish Rapier

-- The German mixed weapons tradition of Johannes Lichtenauer, especially the later authors of the system (Meyer, Sutor, and Mair)

Hat Making

Shoe Making


Philosophy and Education