Nadezhda Toranova
Nadezhda Toranova changed her name to Æringunnr Yrsudóttir (March 2010)
- Currently reigning as first princess of Insulae Draconis, Kingdom of Drachenwald (March 2010-August 2010)
- Became a member of the Order of the Laurel at Ursulmas XXXVI/2002
- A landed Baroness of Seagirt with Liam mac Brennan (January 2001-January 2004)
- Fellow of the College of Saint Giles (University of Victoria Medieval Club)
- Current location: Harpelestane in the Kingdom of Drachenwald
Known Accomplices
Æringunnr is married to Liam mac Brennan. Their son is named Jamie.
She has one apprentice: Abigail, living in the Barony of Seagirt
Her SCA family include: Yrsa Ketilsdottir, Thorin Olafsson, Nikolai Thoranovich, Seth Starr
archaeology: mortuary, settlement, identity, gender, life cycle, and ethical issues
Norse: archaeology, culture, migration, Scotland, Iceland, Greenland, Vinland, Russia, sagas, legal codes, and language
Russia (primarily Kievan Rus): archaeology, history, culture, literature, language, calligraphy, settlements, Novgorod, Kiev, and religion
Anglo-Saxon: archaeology, literature, and language
Misc SCA interests: heraldry, folklore/legends, food, calligraphy, costuming