Morgaine Essex
HL Morgaine Essex, wife of HL Hucbald ap Urp
Formerly of Lions Gate & Ramsgaard, currently residing in Seagirt
"The Welcoming Committee" of the Pure Wenching Tarts Society(PWTS)
Name and Arms registered
Morgaine Essex
Gules, two needles in saltire points to chief argent threaded Or, on a chief Or a domestic cat couchant sable.
Order of Precedence
OP Rank 1053
- Highest Current Award: Goutte de Sang
- Current/Last Known Branch: Seagirt
- Also lived in: Ramsgaard
Award of Arms July 31 AS 28 / 1993
- Goutte de Sang June 21 AS 32 / 1997
- Rocke x2(Seagirt) Mar 18 AS 40 / 2006 & Dec 6 AS 43 / 2008
- Seagull (Seagirt) Mar 17 AS 41 / 2007
- Her Ladyship Morgaine Essex is one of the heads of the House Azoth. She lives in Essex County, England in the year 1109 during the Reign of King Henry I. Her interests lie in costuming, weaving, embroidery, autocrating, youth combat, cooking, calligraphy & illumination, teaching, and generally helping out where she can.
- Award of Arms, July 31 AS 28 / 1993
- Service recognition, (Ramsgaard) Oct 23(?) AS 28/ 1993
- Goutte de Sang, June 21 AS 32 / 1997
- Rock (Seagirt), March 18 AS 40 / 2006
- Seagull (Seagirt), March 17 AS 41/2007
- Rock (Seagirt), December 6 AS 43 / 2008
- Award of Arms, July 31 AS 28 / 1993
Event Experience:
Tir Righ September Coronet Tournament & Archery Championship (Seagirt-2009) Royal Liaison
Tir Righ Spring Coronet Tournament & Bardic Championship (Seagirt-2008) Autocrat
Seagirt’s Yule (2007)Feast Coordinator & Head Cook
Sergeants, Yeoman and Gallant’s (Seagirt-2007)Autocrat
Daffodil (Seagirt 2006)Gate Head
Seagirt Summer Tourney (Seagirt-2005 & 2006)Autocrat
Tir Righ September Coronet Tourney and Archery & Bardic Championship (Ramsgaard-2004)Co-Autocrat
Freeze-Off Tournament & Banquet (Ramsgaard-1995, 1997, 1998, 1999) Autocrat, Co-Autocrat and Feast Coordinator; can’t remember when I did what.
30-Year Celebration (Hosted by An Tir-1995) Autocrat team: Disability Access Coordinator for Sign Language Interpretation
Ramsgaard Two-Day Workshop (Ramsgaard-1994) Co-Autocrat
Baronial Scribe: Seagirt (2009-Present)
Youth Combat Marshal: Tir Righ (2006-2008)
Bursar: University of Ithra, Insula Magna Campus (2006-2007)
Seneschale: Ramsgaard (1997-1999)
Deputy Seneschale: Ramsgaard (1996-1997)
Web Mistress: Ramsgaard (1995-1997)
Mistress of Lists: Ramsgaard (1995)
Chatelaine: Ramsgaard (1994-1996)
Arts & Sciences Mistress: Ramsgaard (1991-1993)
Royal Interpreter- King Barak & Queen Lao, 1993
Lady in Waiting-Ulf IV & Caoimhinn, 2007
Lady in Waiting-Ulf III & Amanda, 2006
Lady in Waiting-Ulf II & Bernadette, 2005
Other Activities:
-Calligraphed and illuminated many scrolls
-Painted charters
-Fed large numbers at various camping events
-Embroidered many pieces for Royal garb
-Waterbeared numerous times
-Run lists
-Interpreted many courts
-Senior Marshal (Heavy) until 1999
-Marshaled too may tourneys to remember
-Taught numerous workshops, at Ithra and informally
-I have tried my hand at Heavy, Rapier and Light fighting
-And a bunch of other stuff that is missing, but I can’t remember