Barak and Lao

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Preceded by:
Darius I and Jacyntha I
Barak and Lao II
Twenty-third King and Queen of An Tir
9 Jan AS XXVII/1993 – 17 July AS XXVIII/1993
Succeeded by:
Rorik and Helena

Awards Given

Awards Given During the Reign of King Barak I and Queen Lao II

==Parting Words of a Queen at Final Court== (written July 1993) There are many people who's efforts remain unrecognized; who in many ways helped us work towards what we felt were betterments to this kingdom. To those who understood what we were working towards, whom supported us in our endeavors, thank you. Without you, we would have achieved very little.

There are many who still do not understand. Who still claim that the king is just some stick jock, who doesn't have a clue. Who speaks out of turn, who acts without thinking, who's word ls law IF you agree; who's words are a flagrant misuse of royal prerogative if you DO NOT agree.

Barak, as your king, does not speak without reason. He is an intelligent, foresighted man who wants his people to grow, and his kingdom to prosper.

When we stepped up, we found that we had $2,000 in our treasury, with operating costs of $10,000 a year. The personal efforts, guidance and inspiration of your king have caused those coffers to grow to $25,000...

When Barak asked for people to report in a timely manner, people failed to see the importance of his words. When one of our officers failed to report on time this spring, AnTir came within three days of being suspended as a kingdom. Barak's skill and knowledge of corporate structure were part of what kept you from becoming a principality of the West for the next two reigns.

When we proclaimed that children should be called children instead of smalls, we were accused of abusing our power, and changing long standing tradition for no reason....when we requested a more period atmosphere at events, a special interest group accused us of limiting their participation and now threatens to boycott your events if their on-site demands are not met...Another group who is unhappy with us, is in the process of writing a document, requesting the Crown to abide by it's contents before they in turn, swear fealty.

We stand firm against any who would threaten our people, and who would threaten the basic concepts which govern us all...

The crown is a burden, which we all bear. It's weight is supported by mutual respect and trust. This Is A Game, Any game worth playing, depends on the responsibility of all players, to pay by the rules. Our first rule is that the King's word is law. When you deny him the ability to BE responsible, he cannot be HELD responsible. By denying him that, he cannot help you when you need help.

I am not always going to agree with the Crown. But Their Word is Law because that is the game I choose to play. If you choose differently, buy a clue and find another game.

The decisions the Crown makes are not always going to be right. We have not always been right. No one is always right. But we have done our best. Our successors will also do their best, which is all you can ask of anyone. The statement that Barak made is true...that until you yourselves have sat the throne, you cannot possibly know of the personal sacrifices that the Crown makes on your behalf.