Padraig Blair

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Chronicler, Vulcanfeldt for several years around 2000 to 2002
Head Gate Troll, July Coronation AS 40 (2005)
Senschal of Vulcanfeldt, June 2008 to present


Target Archery Martial (Certification Expired)
Heavy Fighting
Water Bearing


1300’s Low Lander Scotsman from around the town of Moffat.


July Coronation AS 40, Uther Schiemann der Hunt and Angharad Drakenhefd take the Throne
 Spent all most all of my time at gate.  Did make it to Court on the last day, and TRM gave me a Goutte
Estrella War 2008
 Can you say mud!
 Camped with the Antir Royals
 Carried His Majesties Bannor in to Court.
 Had the honor of escorting Her Majesty.
May Fair, May 2008
 Stunt Queens Guard
 Emiel has a beutiful sword, if you get the chance, take a look at it.
Springfest, June 2008
 Fun event