Alasdair Mac Roibeirt

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Alasdair Mac Roibeirt is a late 14th century Scots man abroad on the continent, traveling from conflict to conflict. When not inflicting harm on others he enjoys inflicting harm on wood in an attempt to create something out of it. His current driving force is to see more historically correct seating in use in An Tir and reduce the number of Coleman chairs at events.

Starting in the Barony of Atenveldt in Atenveldt he has spent time in Ciad and Ansteorra before coming to rest in An Tir. Being exceptionally frugal he has turned his hand to a variety of projects. Starting with making maille he progressed to clothing, cloth based armour, jewelry, and woodworking. Wood working and hardsuit combat being an ongoing interest, as well as furthering his knowledge and abilities in more historically correct clothing. Recently picking up mead making as a new hobby with mixed results but positive progress over all, to the amusement of his wife.

In the spring of AS 43 His Excellency Sir Aleksii, Baron of Blatha an Oir accepted Alasdair as a man at arms. Since then Alasdair has worked to expand his familiarity with different weapons and shields, as well as continuing his training with Sword and Heater.

Working for improvement in his camp, clothing, and armor is an ongoing endeavor. Alasdair has high hopes of someday having a truly period appearance but has a sneaking suspicion that there will always be more improvements to make.

Alasdair was recognized with an Award of Arms by Their Aten majesties, King Mathghamhain and Queen Katerina in AS 33 and granted the arms, "Per bend sinister argent and vert, a triquetra and a bordure embattled counterchanged". In the winter of AS 42 Alasdair was awarded a Crystal of Glymm Mere by Baron Wolfgang and Baroness Juliana of Glymm Mere, followed by a red hart in the spring of AS 43.

Alasdair has been most active lately in producing chairs on consignment or barter as well as a barrage of wooden prizes for Glymm Mere. One of the more notable prizes being a chair that was the hard suit prize at Glymm Mere’s Yule event in the winter of AS 42. The winner of the prize, Sir Gernon Valletort da Harfleur Lord Defender of the Barony of Blatha an Oir, then presented the chair to her Highness Elizabeth Owles. Her majesty was kind enough to inform me that the chair in question has filled in as a Throne at several events.
